Today is the day

mmmm another reason to scrap the system and buy again. soooo many choices.
Heya posty good to see ya..
Man, I just got done with my wifes system, I can't afford to do another one this soon. Oh well, I'll wait a few months for the price to drop a little.
PuterTutor said:
Oh well, I'll wait a few months for the price to drop a little.
We hope! :D

*Honey? Hey, honey? I need to rebuild my computer again.*
That's the real bitch about having two computers. I used to be able to just pull all but an 8 meg stick of ram out of mine, then tell her it needs an upgrade to work. Now if I do that to hers, I can upgrade hers, but if I do it to mine, she don't care. :shrug:
Thank's to Justin (and his wonderful xvid tutorial) I find myself in need of an upgrade too. I really didn't have any compelling reason before. It certainly won't be an Opteron, or even an K8 in the fall, but it'd sure be nice to get over the 1ghz mark one of these days. Getting 'permission' to upgrade really sucks. I have 90% of new PC sitting around (hidden well of course), and 80% of another, but can I build them :(

I'm not even concerned about prices falling really. Prices are fine, arguing that I need a third and fourth computer is the difficult part. Remember the good old days when you could still do what you wanted? Those were the days!

New technology just makes me sad now, cuz I can't have it even if I could afford it :(

I have a theory though. If I use a KVM I could hide the new PC, or maybe both new PCs and she'd never know. What do ya think, good plan ;)
RD_151 said:
I have a theory though. If I use a KVM I could hide the new PC, or maybe both new PCs and she'd never know. What do ya think, good plan

That's not a bad idea. Just be careful to not show her too much, or she'll catch on what you're doing.
The problem is she built a couple PCs for me. So she kind of knows whats going on (not like the hard drive thread ;)). Luckily she's never seen a KVM (at least to my knowledge). So that should help a little :D
RD, they make an automatic KVM that runs from hotkeys on the keyboard, so you could even hide that (I've seen an 8 PC one in person, but they make 'em bigger). I don't know what you're going to tell her when the electric bill suddenly doubles though.:D
Nah, we don't have an electric bill. All the more reason to build more and more and more. Maybe a million way opteron system :D Utilities are included in rent, I'm really gonna miss that some day! You mean it actually afffects your electric bill? I haven't turned off my laptop or my desktop in years, except to reboot.
RD_151 said:
You mean it actually afffects your electric bill?
I don't really know how much. Not as much as the A/C in summer though. I kind of suspect the Opteron would make a noticable difference though.
Ahh, being 23 and unmarried definitely has its percks. I feel sorry for you "old timers" with a ball and chain, but only sort of. Look on the bright side: You have some one to spend the REST OF YOUR LIFE WITH! No need to worry about making 2+ woman happy at once, only one with several pint sizes scurring around. And you get to pay for their college (there goes that opteron upgrade), and whatever else they get interested in. How much do piano lessons cost nowadays? Geez, maybe this wasn't the bright side after all!:D

Back to the subject at hand, those new opteron chips are great performers, but it will be interesting to see how the market reacts when they realize there is very little supply of the chips with such a potentially high demand. I was reading at HWC that these chips won't be truly available to June/July, but they definitely give Intel something to think about.
I guess the real problem might be the heat though. Imagine all those PCs running in my little apartment. Do you know what summer is like here? Our airconditioning might not keep up. We better schedule the LAN part for a cooler season. I guess its not too hot yet though, we'd better hurry. 90 degree+ and 90% humidity every day is only weeks away :(
If you're going to sink 150k into hardware, you may as well drop 5k on good air conditioning for the room.