Tolerance and diversity...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
is not tolerance and diversity if its forced. When will people learn that little tidbit?

According to multiple reports out of England, officials in this West Midlands school have required teachers and students to don Muslim dress for a belated celebration of Eid, the end of Ramadan. The school’s program also seeks to involve parents in its celebration of diversity by hosting an afternoon mothers-only gathering, keeping in Muslim tradition that married women should not mix with other men.

Yep. I'm glad I live in the USA, where I have a choice...unless I'm in Kalifornia or Massachushits...
Try to convince one of these open-minded people to wear a yamulke in a synangogue. Tolerance if accepting other peoples ways, and respecting their traditions, and wearing/doing what is necessary when in their house, or place of worship, not playing dress up.
Sorry, but unless the muslim kids are gonna doff the burka for Christmas, they can go fuck themselves. Unfortunately, Muslims have had a free hand in Europe for far longer than in the Americas.
When I was in school they made us make christmas wreaths out of construction paper. It was crazy.

hanukah harry kicks santas ass