Tonks! eBay question...


Well-Known Member I've got this copy of Microsoft Visual C++ that I'm selling, and I noticed I got a bid for $101.50 for it from some guy who just joined eBay on Feb. 4 and has no feedback yet. I searched his username and all he's bid on is three separate copies of Visual C++... one of them is up over $125 (he got outbid and that auction ends in five hours), there's mine and there's a third on a three-day auction that he's the high bidder on at $8... and it ends the day before my auction does.

Is this a deadbeat bidder waiting to happen?
Perhaps he wants a copy ASAP and doesn't want to wait for one auction to end before trying a new one. God help him if hes the last man standing one three auctions at the same time. If hes only after one copy, he may very well go deadbeat on the others as soon as he has what he wants.
I'm thinking the guy will go deadbeat on me because the bid on the other auction is so much lower (and the other guy is taking a loss on the shipping).
So, if I were to sign up & bid, you'd turn me down? Not everybody likes or uses fleabay... :raises hand:
Sounds like what I did when I wanted to buy an MP3 player but wanted it cheap. He reeeallly wants one. Maybe he will get outbid on yours, maybe he won't. If he wins yours he can always retract his bid on the other one or pray he gets outbid on that one (which at $8 I bet he does). Why would he bid on the same item in concurrent auctions? To have them in his buying list and to get emails about the status of the auction. Ebay used to send you emails when an auction you were watching is almost over but I have noticed those have stopped.
All you can do is wait and see. Perhaps it is someone working for a company that suddenly needed umpteen copies of the stuff, was given x budget to buy them, is trying to scoop them up on the cheap, and pocketing the remainder. You just never know. There are a million stories out there.
Also, that third auction won't stay at $8. The bidding will increase towards the end, you'll see.
tonksy said:
Ebay used to send you emails when an auction you were watching is almost over but I have noticed those have stopped.
I still get them.
In the past month? I don't get them anymore and I've had buyers email me in lament because they didn't get the reminding email and missed the auction.
The other C++ auction ends tomorrow and mine ends Monday, so I'd think it would be the bid on mine that would get retracted... but it's a moot issue now because there's another n00b that really wants C++ too and has the bidding on the other one up to $104. Mine's still at $101.50 but I have 13 people watching the auction.

The funny part of getting $101.50 for it is that I paid $99.99 (academic price) 6 1/2 years ago. Maybe I'll get $108 for it and cover the sales tax from 1999 as well. :D
My first round, I sold a battery and a battery charger... the second round, I sold a golf club, car stereo head unit, a pair of speakers and a cordless phone. This time, I have Visual C++ and an original Intel Pentium 4 stock heatsink/fan for sale. I've got an 80GB Western Digital SATA hard drive sitting around I'm considering listing... I'd like to give my buddies here first crack at it but I don't know what to charge for it. Selling on eBay is kinda fun, yes, and a nice way to get rid of stuff. I'm not going to make a business out of it (what are the taxes going to be like?) but it's a good way to get rid of crap I don't need.

As for C++... it's still sitting at $101.50 but the C++ auction that ended a day or two ago had a final price of $190... and the guy who's the high bidder on mine bid $187.50. He, the high bidder on the other current auction (that ends 5 hours before mine) and a third guy did most of the bidding pushing-up. I'm hoping that third guy is the X-factor that gets me more money for my C++. If it were just the two guys, I'd have to figure on settling for the $101.50 because there would be enough to go around.

Tracking this is almost like fantasy baseball. :D
Well, now the bidding's up to $150 with a bit over an hour left. Not bad considering I paid $99.99 for it originally, and not bad considering my dad was one step away from throwing it in the trash.
Final price: $202.50. It sold to the same guy I've been asking about this whole thread, the new guy with no feedback. So we shall see how he starts his eBay career.