Tonksy, Tonksy...

LSU barely squeaked by with a 45-0 edger.

Their offense was iffy... but the defense was quite impressive.

Louisville would have been a hoot to watch. The front line squad got yanked after a few minutes into the second half in order to avoid burying Murray State too badly. 73-10.

God... Murray State? WTF is a Murray State? That a typing school?
These first couple of games are pretty bogus... it's the NFL's version of the preseason...Ohio State's first two games: Youngstown State and Akron... yeah, real strong matchups here...
1-A #5 vs. the top dog 2-A team? On paper its a joke insofar as the national title race goes. Lose, you're the laughingstock of the year; win and it counts for nothing. Perennial powerhouse programs playing 'Our Sisters of the Poor Blind Typing School' University is nothing more than a preprogrammed whip-fest that enriches the whipped team with an honorarium.

Personally, I think that Appalachian State might ought to seek promotion into the big leagues.
Well, unless Notre Dame gets a lot better real quickly, the Fighting Irish won't be beating very many people at all. No disrespect to Georgia Tech, but Notre Dame shouldn't be losing by 30.

It's funny how when Tyrone Willingham came in, he had a great first season "with Bob Davie's players" and then regressed from there. Now, Charlie Weis had a great first season (but I never hear about how it was with W
illingham's players) and has regressed from there. Maybe the administration was a little too quick to ax Willingham.
Well, unless Notre Dame gets a lot better real quickly, the Fighting Irish won't be beating very many people at all. No disrespect to Georgia Tech, but Notre Dame shouldn't be losing by 30.

It's funny how when Tyrone Willingham came in, he had a great first season "with Bob Davie's players" and then regressed from there. Now, Charlie Weis had a great first season (but I never hear about how it was with W
illingham's players) and has regressed from there. Maybe the administration was a little too quick to ax Willingham.

Fighting Amish
4-0! Woot!

So much for JoePa makin a title run. Dammit, for some reason Penn State just canNOT beat Michigan. Then, what I saw of the game, PSU gave it away.
The good:
Saban gets he diety chain yanked by UGA.
LSU rolls on ex-Gatorboy
The Gators themselves looked shaky as can be.
Notre Dame goes 0-4 for the first time in school history (0-6) going back to last year.
Penn State curls up and dies (with apologies to SnP, but I simply despise everything that ever crawled out of College Station)

The bad:
GA Tech loses again. God, they look demoralized.
Appalachian State loses to Wofford... WOFFORD?! ... popping the longest win streak in div-1.
Miami smoked Texas A&M
Wisconsin, Louisville, and Nebraska are showing bushels of weakness.