

molṑn labé
Staff member
I may have missed this part but Was it worth it? Any troubles with your news eyes? They're adjusting okay?
it was worth it. i'm almost ready to start driving...almost...the wreck has me paranoid. my eyes get tired easy, probably still healing...either that or they're not used to or the other.
I'd like to get my wife to look into it...she's as blind as a bat. She is quite hesitant, as I'd be. In case of a problem, S.O.L. is not a good fallback position.
Gonz said:
I'd like to get my wife to look into it...she's as blind as a bat. She is quite hesitant, as I'd be. In case of a problem, S.O.L. is not a good fallback position.
they quoted me that something going drastically wrong in both eyes is one in ten million. fair odds.
Tell us if the haziness eventually fades away completely

that was what stopped me cold

couldn't risk nighttime driving ability

I've read it takes a coupla months er three...
catocom said:
What was it you had tonksy? the corrective laser?
yeah, lasik.

winky? it definitely has made my nighttime vision blurry...but that apparently just takes time to fade.
What I've read is that basically you got an owie and it needs to heal.
The eye is a magnificent device.
Man hasn't been able to make anything even close yet.
PostCode said:
No shit. I had to pull back a bit to read the big stuff then come closer for the small stuff.



tonks says lasik works. maybe you ought to look into it. :evilcool:
Winky said:
What I've read is that basically you got an owie and it needs to heal.
The eye is a magnificent device.
Man hasn't been able to make anything even close yet.

Actually, I've read that that eye is a lousy optical device and it's only the brain's editting software that makes any use of it.
Professur said:
Actually, I've read that that eye is a lousy optical device and it's only the brain's editting software that makes any use of it.

I've read that you guys are nerds :lol2: