Top 100 Christmas presents this year.


Well-Known Member
I want everyone to scour the web for the best and most unusual things you could give for Christmas this year. Then in one month's time, we'll run them as a poll to see who found the Ultimate Christmas present. I'm setting the bar high this year with the Lotus toilet seats

Feminine wash, massage option, heated seat, dryer and optional remote control. How could you possibly go wrong. It's the ultimate party game too. Leave the remote on the coffee table when you go. What will they hit you with? Warm air, or an icy enema blast? Best of all, never run out of toilet paper again, ever.
I'm probably going to be looking for clothes (made in the USA) this year.
Since the kids have a computer, and xbox, and they are close to wearing rags,
I figure they'll go for it.:nerd: (of coarse I'll get a few other things, but...)
I'm thinking of possible entries for this "contest" I shall post when I think of some.