towel amnesty

i took a towel to clean up some sun tan oil that got spilled in my dad's car once.... its still in there after 3 years
Oricon said:
half a shower? they barely get into the shower
more like half a bath. have you ever tried to take a soak in those tiny, little tubs? ooh, but i once stayed in a very nice hotel that had a huge tub with water jets...paradise.
I've never nicked a towel from a hotel :angel:

I have stolen one of those funky little "one cup" kettles tho' :evilcool:

I also tried to steal one of the lasses who comes in to clean the rooms but they stopped me before I could carry her out of the front door :( (I knew her of course, and we were just having a laugh....the manager just had a sense of humour failure)
Oricon said:
I haven't taken a bath since i was 5.....
how horrible. you must strip off now and go take a hot bubble bath. you have no idea the luxury you are missing out on.
we usually come home with more than we left with. she is one of the reasons things are bolted to the floors and walls. if its loose, its ours.....
tonks said:
i don't like hotel towels. not fluffy enough. i take the soaps and coffee, though.
Really good hotels have very soft towels, tonks.

I've never stolen towels from a hotel. When Douglas Adams died I put a towel in my car, and I've kept one there ever since (no, not the same one). My wife thinks that's weird, but you never know whe the damned Vogons will show up.
chcr said:
When Douglas Adams died I put a towel in my car, and I've kept one there ever since (no, not the same one). My wife thinks that's weird, but you never know whe the damned Vogons will show up.

lmao, chcr, lmao.
Oricon said:
btw i don't got a bath tub... actually we have one but its my step-mum's
well, is she like stuck in it or something? you can't use it? dude, i'm serious, you have to try it. it's like my hobby. long, hot bubble baths. take your radio, a nice cold drink, and a good book. i bring some pot, but thats just me. fill up the tub, put in lotsa bubbles, hop in and chill for the next 2 hours.
I'm not allowed.... and its PINK.... not one of my favourite colours unless its on my girlfriend
Oricon said:
I'm not allowed.... and its PINK.... not one of my favourite colours unless its on my girlfriend
thats a damn shame. my tub is baby blue, but who cares, i'm either reading or listening to music, my heads a million miles away. it's a great time.
Oricon said:
I'm not allowed.... and its PINK.... not one of my favourite colours unless its on my girlfriend

Not for nothing, but that's just whack! Why the heck would the woman not allow you to use her tub? Does she sabotage it in case someone wants to use it in her absence? Or is it a fold up version that she can pack up & carry with her?
AlphaTroll said:
Not for nothing, but that's just whack! Why the heck would the woman not allow you to use her tub? Does she sabotage it in case someone wants to use it in her absence? Or is it a fold up version that she can pack up & carry with her?