transexuals....what do you think?


A friend of mine recently "came out" as a transexual. I have always known her as a girl, and she isn't one of my closest friends (though we are close in a long distance sense as she lives where I used to) nor is she someone I was interested in, though she is quite attractive as a woman. But man this is just weird.....knowing she is a man...or at least was a man. It makes me feel weird. First and formost I want to support her to be anything and any way she wants to be. She told me some stuff about having 2 x chromosomes and being of a female mind in a male body. In fact I have decided to support her whatever way I can act like nothing has changed....much as I can. I just wonder what would you think about it if it were you?
Well, unless I had plans of dating her (i know, you said you don't) I'd treat her the same as if a friend had come out and said he was gay. No different, 'cept I'd be a little more careful showering at the gym. It's the same person, just now you know a little more about her.

I'd just like to mention that there are different types of transexuals. There are some people born with a penis, and develop natural breasts. There are some who are born female, but with a massive clitoris. There are some real hermaphodites born with both a penis and a vagina. And there are recorded cases of people born with hardly any definable genetalia at all.

And then there are those who are born perfectly normal men or women, but aren't happy with that and get a sex change. Since most people don't have the money to pay for the whole thing in one sitting, the often have breast implants done first. Just to see how living as a female works. Or breast removal for women, but I'm not gonna pander to that PC crap. Assume the female side of the discussion.

Breast implants are much cheaper than genital reconstruction and can be undone, so that makes sense. While they're sitting in between, they can make lots of money making movies. That seems to be popular from what I see at the local video shop. There's hormone therapy to tone down the male aspects like facial hair, and the hormones do promote breast growth too.

Natural transexuals used to be a hidden group. Children with buggered up genitals would be consealed to protect them. But with the advent of cosmetic surgery, parents are forced to make decisions while the child is still young. Doctors have even been known to take that decision on themselves and reconstruct the child's privates without autorisation. There have been several court cases when parents have refused to let the doctors operate. Sounds similar to the circumcision debate, doesn't it?

Does it seem like I've researched this a bit?
A friend's daughter was born with an unusually long, but not abnormally long clitoris. The doctor was a bit more human than most and had suggested retraction, as opposed to some of the more damaging solutions. He'd asked me for help in figuring out what to do. After about a month of exausting all avenues of research and hours of long distance calls, he (with his wife) decided to leave well enough alone. The little girl's all growd up now, and more than happy that her parents cared enough to let her be.

Sure, she got teased a bit in schoolat first, but, as with all things, it soon became a non issue. The teachers were a bigger problem than the other students.
I know I've gotten a few pics in my email that have made me take a double glance. Most are easy to tell it's a guy with too much makeup and fake tits, but others, wow.

As for your friends daughter, Prof. What the hell were the teachers doing looking at her clit anyway? That sounds a little fucked up. On a side note though, I'm guessing she experiences a tad more pleasure than most girls.
Doesn't bug me too much but I am a little wary. The only transexual I've ever personally known was a serious head case and a deadbeat. It doesn't mean that I think any others out there are just like him/her... it just has put up a wall of caution.
i dont see any probs with it as long as its what the person wants and learns to live his/her life. i dont judge peoples lifestyles ever.
PT, she's still a bit young for that. She's old enough to know, but young enough not to care yet. And teachers often have to help the little ones with accidents.
My bad. I've known her since she was this *holds hand about yea far apart* and she keeps getting bigger everytime I see her. She's nearly 8 now.
I do not know any transexuals, but I guess it would be a little awkward at first just because I don't really know anything about it. But I wouldn't treat a person differently though, although I doubt I would flirt with them or hit on them.
I knew this woman named Deb at an old job, and I really didn't know she was a she until I was handing out paychecks the first time. She was cool and everything and you wouldn't be able to tell she was a woman without being told. We had two additional bathrooms that were single units in the building which helped with the problem of which bathroom is used.

I never really talked to her about it but she was cool with it.

I saw a show on Discovery about a boy who was raised as a girl by his parents, I forget all the details but later in life, he had to change his name and everything...
I have no problems with it. Those that I know are labeled as my friends/family, not as transexuals.
*agrees with ku'u* ... we both have a friend who is going through "the change" at the moment - she looks great .. really great ... it does irritate she looks better as a woman than I do :D ... it's just hard to remember to call her her all the time ... but other than that, nothing's changed ... the friendship is still the same.
markjs said:
She told me some stuff about having 2 x chromosomes and being of a female mind in a male body.

That is a very very odd syndrome.