Trip to Florida.


New Member
Well I just got home last night.

Here are a few shots that I took over there. We spent two of the days at an air show on the beach.


I took this one on our nice 6 hour drive from New Brunswick to New Hampshire. I am in the blue.


This was the kick ass beach behind our hotel.

Here is a few from the air show.






Over all it was a great time. The air show was kind of disappointing because they advertised the F-22 being there so much. The F-22 never came, the B2 never came, the F117 never came, there was supposed to be a mustang, it never came, just to name a few.

One thing I found is that most people are not friendly down there. Most people avoid eye contact with you when you walk by them. I am used to saying a simple "Hi" to whoever I walk by, most of the they would ignore me.

Most of the Cab drivers are dick heads. One got pissed off at us because we didn't know how to get to our hotel.

being 20 years old is no good down there, as the drinking age is 21. I decided to try to buy some beer at a convenience store. I figured if she ID'd me I would just tell her that I thought the drinking age was 19 here too ;)
Well she ID'd me alright, took about 10 seconds looking at my ID, then handed me back the card and the beer. HAH I almost burst out laughing, poor lady couldn't do the math I figure.

It was a great trip! I would like to go back next year when I have more time, and will be 21 ;)
Trip to Florida. *now with FREE bonus added Shirtless Man Pics™!! Get yours today before they're gone!

it sounds like a fun time, except for the sucky airshow and the sucky people and the sucky laws :lloyd:
The beach looks great, I've never seen an ocean before.
Ugh. Florida. :sick:

Nice pics though! Are those the Blue Angels? They must be pretty cool to see in person. Looks like you had good weather too.
greenfreak said:
Ugh. Florida. :sick:

Nice pics though! Are those the Blue Angels? They must be pretty cool to see in person. Looks like you had good weather too.

Excuse me? *handonhip Those were the Thunderbirds. Naval aviators can't handle that much power. :p
K62 said:
This was the kick ass beach behind our hotel.
That is not a kick ass beach. THIS is a kick ass beach:

Panama City Beach. :grinyes:

Over all it was a great time. The air show was kind of disappointing because they advertised the F-22 being there so much. The F-22 never came, the B2 never came, the F117 never came, there was supposed to be a mustang, it never came, just to name a few.
You can see F-22s all day long on the beach here. They are based at Tyndall AFB in Panama City, and they fly low and slow up and down the beach all the time. :cool:

One thing I found is that most people are not friendly down there. Most people avoid eye contact with you when you walk by them. I am used to saying a simple "Hi" to whoever I walk by, most of the they would ignore me.
You were in the wrong part of Florida. Over here in the Panhandle, strangers will talk to ya 'til the cows come home. :lloyd:

It was a great trip! I would like to go back next year when I have more time, and will be 21 ;)
May I suggest Panama City Beach? :cool:
Just make sure as to insure all your legs before y'all nosey on down, d'yhear? :D

PS - what a stupid age to begin drinking legally!

What's wrong with 18?
The hope is that the extra three years would make drinkers more mature with their drinking decisions. Ha. In any case, the drinking age is a state-by-state decision... so the federal government said, "Sure, you don't have to raise your drinking age... we also don't have to send you federal highway funds."