trivia night 1/28/04


New Member
1. What does CDROM stand for?
2. What does pizza mean in italian?
3. Name the coffee bar in Friends.
4. What novella was the Stephen King movie Stand By Me based upon?
5. What was the whales name in Pinochio?
6. What was Ted Williams baseball nickname?
7. Name the 4 original members of the WHO.
8. Name the first female to command a NASA flight.
9. What do the Initials STP stand for in the famous fuel additive?
10. What is the NBA limit for the circumference of a basketball in inches?
11. What book was the movie Field of Dreams based upon?
12. Supserstition: What is a woman supposed to dream about if she places a slice of wedding cake under her bed?
13. Name the 4 US states that are commonwealths.
unclehobart said:
1. What does CDROM stand for?
2. What does pizza mean in italian?
3. Name the coffee bar in Friends.
4. What novella was the Stephen King movie Stand By Me based upon?
5. What was the whales name in Pinochio?
6. What was Ted Williams baseball nickname?
7. Name the 4 original members of the WHO.
8. Name the first female to command a NASA flight.
9. What do the Initials STP stand for in the famous fuel additive?
10. What is the NBA limit for the circumference of a basketball in inches?
11. What book was the movie Field of Dreams based upon?
12. Supserstition: What is a woman supposed to dream about if she places a slice of wedding cake under her bed?
13. Name the 4 US states that are commonwealths.
1. compact disk read only memory...god, i hope i'm right...
3. central perk.
4. was in the seasons was the summer one, huh?
5. :eek: it's one the tip of my tongue...i should ask marlowe...
6. :banghead:
7. i can't do it :ashamed:
13. one...
compact disc read only memory is what won points. If its something different, you have about 16 out of 21 teams that would disagree with you.

central perk... correct

monstro... correct

the man she'll marry... correct

the body... correct

Mass. Virginia Kentucky are correct so far. (Virginia is the one my team missed. It cost us first place)