Troops 'took turns' to rape Iraqi

Luis G

Staff member
A US military hearing has examined testimony of how three soldiers took it in turns to try to rape an Iraqi girl aged 14 in Mahmudiya in March.

The girl and three family members were allegedly killed by four US soldiers.

Graphic details of the attack at the family's home came in a sworn statement by one of the accused, James P Barker.

The preliminary hearing will decide whether to court-martial the four. The case is one of a series of atrocities blamed on US forces in Iraq.

Along with Sergeant Paul Cortez, Private Jesse Spielman, and Private Bryan Howard, Specialist Barker is charged with rape and murder.

The four are alleged to have helped a former private - Steven Green, who has since left the army - plan, carry out and cover up the attack. Mr Green has pleaded not guilty in a federal court and will be tried separately in the US.

A fifth soldier is alleged to have lied to cover up for his colleagues.

Investigator Benjamin Bierce interviewed Mr Barker, 23, on 30 June and took down his statement, he told the hearing at a US military base in Baghdad.

On the day of the attack the soldiers had been drinking Iraqi whisky mixed with an energy drink and practising golf strokes at a checkpoint south of Baghdad, Mr Barker's statement said.

One of the soldiers, Steven Green, said he "wanted to go to a house and kill some Iraqis," it alleged.

The four eventually went to a house about 200 metres (yards) away and put the parents and their five-year old daughter in the bedroom, but kept the older girl in the living room.

According to Mr Barker's statement, he and Mr Cortez took it in turns to rape or attempt to rape her.

Mr Barker heard shots from the bedroom, and Steven Green emerged with an AK-47 in his hand saying "They're all dead. I just killed them."

According to the testimony, Mr Green then also raped the girl and shot her dead.

Her body was doused in kerosene and set alight.

The first day of the hearing on Sunday saw an Iraqi army medic describe how he found the bodies of the four Iraqis.

He told prosecutors he was ill for weeks after witnessing the crime scene.

Proceedings are expected to continue for several days.

BBC News
It's about those USMC idiots. We're trying to pacify the country, and they go and do something stupid like that. All four are on a fast track to "club fed". They need to hand them over to the Iraqi authorities, but the outcry would be even worse because thats an execution offense in Iraq.
Gato_Solo said:
It's about those USMC idiots. We're trying to pacify the country, and they go and do something stupid like that. All four are on a fast track to "club fed". They need to hand them over to the Iraqi authorities, but the outcry would be even worse because thats an execution offense in Iraq.
Good. I can't think of a better thing to do with them.
Professur said:
It isn't in a military tribunal? Damn well should be.

Not since the military went all-volunteer. The most they could get is 15 years hard labor and a dishonorable discharge. While some think the discharge is light, try getting a job with one and a free ticket to the sexual predator list for the rest of your natural life.
Damn good thing for y'all that Sherman and his boys did their deeds back 140 years ago. They raped a lot more than one. Had they behaved today as they did then, it'd take a lot more to cover it up than it did.

If these soldiers perpetrated criminal activities on civilians as a "spoil of war", then they deserve punishment. But this IS a war. Civilians are going to be harmed, no way around it. I didn't see many tears in certain countries when Americans were harmed at the WTC. Had someone affiliated with that act of cowardice actually taken the time to rape a civilian during the attack, then he should be held to an American court. Same for these fellers.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Damn good thing for y'all that Sherman and his boys did their deeds back 140 years ago. They raped a lot more than one. Had they behaved today as they did then, it'd take a lot more to cover it up than it did.

If these soldiers perpetrated criminal activities on civilians as a "spoil of war", then they deserve punishment. But this IS a war. Civilians are going to be harmed, no way around it. I didn't see many tears in certain countries when Americans were harmed at the WTC. Had someone affiliated with that act of cowardice actually taken the time to rape a civilian during the attack, then he should be held to an American court. Same for these fellers.

War's over, soldier.
Why should they get to live? The killed a whole family! Who the fuck are they to think people are at their disposal?
I understand it's a war and in war a lot of people die but this is disgusting. Killing these people did not win anyone freedom or liberation. And as far as raping a child is concerned it is atrocious.
Which one?

The first paragraph is for historical how times have changed, etc etc.

The second is about a war that most assuredly is not over.
SouthernN'Proud said:
If these soldiers perpetrated criminal activities on civilians as a "spoil of war", then they deserve punishment. But this IS a war. Civilians are going to be harmed, no way around it. I didn't see many tears in certain countries when Americans were harmed at the WTC. Had someone affiliated with that act of cowardice actually taken the time to rape a civilian during the attack, then he should be held to an American court. Same for these fellers.

However...rape and murder are still crimes in both the UCMJ and international law. Just because 'Sherman's boys' did it, it doesn't make it right. That's what is supposed to seperate a military unit from a mob. Discipline and self-control. When one, or more, gets out of line criminally, then the hammer should fall.
tonksy said:
Why should they get to live? The killed a whole family! Who the fuck are they to think people are at their disposal?
I understand it's a war and in war a lot of people die but this is disgusting. Killing these people did not win anyone freedom or liberation. And as far as raping a child is concerned it is atrocious.

I think killing them is way too easy for them, I'd rather inflict them pain for years.
Unfortunately, the US has this whole "cruel and unusual punishment" thing...and if they get turned over to the Iraqis they will execute them. So it's a choice of weak ass punishment or death. I choose death for them. I wish it were up to me.
Gato_Solo said:
Not since the military went all-volunteer. The most they could get is 15 years hard labor and a dishonorable discharge. While some think the discharge is light, try getting a job with one and a free ticket to the sexual predator list for the rest of your natural life.


Four soldiers — Sgt. Paul E. Cortez, Spc. James P. Barker, Pfc. Jesse V. Spielman, Pfc. Bryan L. Howard — have been accused of rape and murder — and could face the death penalty. A fifth, Sgt. Anthony W. Yribe, is accused of failing to report the attack but is not alleged to have been a direct participant.,2933,207210,00.html

Spc. James P. Barker, Sgt. Paul E. Cortez, Pfc. Jesse V. Spielman and Pfc. Bryan L. Howard are accused of rape and murder. If convicted by a court-martial, they could face the death penalty.

The accused soldiers were drinking whiskey when one of them raised the idea of raping the girl, according to earlier testimony in the Article 32 hearing that will determine if there is enough evidence for courts-martial where the suspects could face the death penalty.
From what I've read. fire away. From what I know about misleading journalism, stay that order.
A.B....the death penalty hasn't been used since WWII. Saying "could face the death penalty" is shooting blanks, and hype. I could walk out of the door and be struck by lightning...