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molṑn labé
Staff member

By Cynthia Littleton

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - At least one Fox Broadcasting Co. affiliate has balked at airing Monday night's 90-minute special "Who's Your Daddy," which has raised the ire of adoption advocacy groups for a premise that revolves around an adopted woman trying to pick her biological father from a group of eight candidates.

WRAZ-TV (Fox 50) in Raleigh-Durham, N.C., has yanked "Daddy" and instead will air a documentary, "I Have Roots and Branches: Personal Reflections on Adoption," in the 8-9:30 p.m. EST block slated for "Daddy."

"Reality" TV as a genre is disgusting and brainless. FOX's hellish offspring have been the worst so far when tact and decency are considered.

I have no plan to watch one second of this or any other "reality" TV show. If I want reality TV, I'll tune in Sportscenter or the evening news.
When I saw this commercial for the first time yesterday, I said out loud to myself (as I am wont), "these people have sunk to new lows". What a vile premise. What'll be next? A reality show featuring people who survived botched abortions? :nono:
Yep, that's the most disgusting show I've seen since the ads for "The Will."

SouthernN'Proud said:
"Reality" TV as a genre is disgusting and brainless. FOX's hellish offspring have been the worst so far when tact and decency are considered.

I have no plan to watch one second of this or any other "reality" TV show. If I want reality TV, I'll tune in Sportscenter or the evening news.

You forgot "and completely unrelated to 'reality.'" ;)
When I first heard the title, I thought it was some new porno coming out...Guess I need to get out more. :D
abooja said:
When I saw this commercial for the first time yesterday, I said out loud to myself (as I am wont), "these people have sunk to new lows". What a vile premise. What'll be next? A reality show featuring people who survived botched abortions? :nono:

What is worse? If we build it they will come?


They come?
Gonz said:
What is worse? If we build it they will come?


They come?
If I get your meaning, B. Shows like this wouldn't exist were there no audience for them. We did this to ourselves.
The show helps to promote one of my personal political agandas (open records), but this is not the way to go about it. The show is a bad idea morally, its just more decay of civility.

Reality shows are the colosseum of our day, revelling in pain and anguish of others.
(As an adoptee) Open records are a bad idea. Just one more reason to abort. Those who wish to participate in sharing information already can.
Gonz said:
(As an adoptee) Open records are a bad idea. Just one more reason to abort. Those who wish to participate in sharing information already can.
My mother was adopted and can only wish that she could find out one scrap of useful information about where she came from. To date, she knows nothing about her family health issues and, as a result, neither do I. She practically had to bribe a nun to find out that her mother was either Hungarian or German. Really useful info.
Health issues? Are you dying? NO? No issues. Do you want to live? Eat healthy & exercise. Wanna know if you have bad karma in your blood? DNA testing.

It matters not where we came. It only matters who we are & where we're going.
Gonz said:
Health issues? Are you dying?
I hope not, but I feel like it at the moment. I don't think it's so unreasonable to want to know what illnesses run in my family. She could probably get that much info out of them, but it's like pulling friggin teeth. It took her, what, almost 50 years to find out what she knows, and that ain't much.
my family, my brother and sisters, they are and always will be my family. I would like to know more about me, the history of me.

It took a *few bucks and almost two years to get ~14 pages of non-ID info from the Adotion agency. I know that I had 4 older siblings when I was born, it would be nice to know who these people are.

And I have several genetic conditions that would have been nice to know about prior to almost dying from them. It will be *fun to see what else appears in my future. Now I wonder about the future health of my children.

Foe me, its just curiosty about me and my roots. My DNA siblings should not be a state secret.
A DNA test will give you more info than family history.

Keep in mind I'm just looking at this from the analytical side. Emotions are another matter & need to be kept that way. The woman that gave up a child, unselfishly, deserves her privacy in trade for your life.
Gonz said:
A DNA test will give you more info than family history.

That may be true at some point in the future, we've barely scratched the surface of genetic secrets.

I suppose with a large enough data-base you could eventually track down some probabilities of relation. Always looking for more cousins to marry you know ;)