TSA Directly Violated US Constitution By Detaining Senator Rand Paul


Well-Known Member
TSA Directly Violated US Constitution By Detaining Senator Rand Paul

Steve Watson
January 23, 2012

In preventing Kentucky Senator Rand Paul from flying to Washington this morning, the TSA directly violated the law as written in the US Constitution.

The Constitution specifically protects federal lawmakers from being detained while en route to Washington DC.

Article I, Section 6 states:

“The Senators and Representatives…shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same….”

Rand Paul was travelling from his home in Louisville to attend a session in the Senate today.

This is the reason that TSA officials have since put out the talking point in the media that Rand Paul was never officially detained, despite the fact that the Senator himself confirmed that he was told to sit in a cubicle and wait without any indication of when he would be allowed to leave.

The Senate is back in session at 2 p.m., and votes are scheduled for 4:30 p.m.

Senator Paul was allowed to board a second flight after a separate screening by TSA agents, however, it remains to be seen whether he will make it to the capital in time.

This could be fun to watch.

I'm flying, for the first time since 9/11, this spring, and I'm not
looking forward to the games. Minx, before you carry on, let me
tell you a story.

Christmas-time 2011. My FBI agent nephew, his wife & their 2-year-old
came back here from out west to visit family. He told the TSA that he is
a federal agent, that he is currently armed. He passed through security,
as did his wife & child. However, the TSA agent asked to inspect the diaper
bag. Did I mention my nephew was packing a loaded Glock when he handed
the bag over & the TSA agent was aware of that fact?

Airport security needs to learn from El Al, not the mall cops.
This could be fun to watch.

I'm flying, for the first time since 9/11, this spring, and I'm not
looking forward to the games. Minx, before you carry on, let me
tell you a story.

Christmas-time 2011. My FBI agent nephew, his wife & their 2-year-old
came back here from out west to visit family. He told the TSA that he is
a federal agent, that he is currently armed. He passed through security,
as did his wife & child. However, the TSA agent asked to inspect the diaper
bag. Did I mention my nephew was packing a loaded Glock when he handed
the bag over & the TSA agent was aware of that fact?

Airport security needs to learn from El Al, not the mall cops.

if you go back and look at some of my posts, you'll notice that i've typically characterized the TSA as a bunch of mediocre working stiffs... not the brightest bulbs...

of course according to gotholic they are steely-eyed oppressors.

good luck. i think you'll surprised how much of a non-event your screening is. if you catch flak, it will be from travelers like me who get annoyed with the slow people who spend 12 minutes getting their shoes off, leave their belt on through the metal detector, and just generally get in the way as they lolligag their way through things. if you're flying through chicago, let me know... i know where the cleanest toilets are (other than in the admiral's club... shit they even got a shoe buffer in the john there).