TSA VIPR Squads Roam Florida Train Stations


Well-Known Member
Steve Watson
April 22, 2011

Squads of TSA agents conducted random searches and patrols at a train station in West Palm Beach, Florida yesterday in yet another example of the expansion of TSA Tyranny beyond the nation’s airports.

“Hoping to keep terrorists and others off-guard Transportation Security Administration conducted what it calls a random ‘Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response Operation’ on Thursday morning at the West Palm Beach Tri-Rail station.”, reports WPTV news.

As we have documented, VIPR teams are now occupying America in the name of “security,” having expanded from airports, to train stations, highways and street corners.

The TSA was recently caught in yet another act of deception after claiming that passengers, including young children, who were subjected to an invasive pat down and bag search after getting off an Amtrak train in Savannah, Georgia did not have to enter the station, when in fact according to a firefighter on the scene, TSA agents swarmed the platform as soon as passengers stepped off the train and ordered them to cooperate.

VIPR is quite obviously a 21st century Gestapo designed to indoctrinate Americans into accepting Soviet-style shake-downs, bag searches and groping of genitalia at checkpoints across the country – not just in airports.

If people think they can avoid the TSA by staying away from airports, they’re going to be in for a rude awakening. TSA is clearly engaged in a total takeover of society and plans to have its agents searching, patting down, scanning and harassing Americans at all levels of society.

Amendment IV said:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Remember when this meant something?
yeah just this morning i got hassled by TSA. i was trying to leave a state park. really surprising. they were nice enough though.
i have to say i did develop a new appreciation for how bleach can fight the smell of poo. and the dogs were well-behaved.
"because i don't wanna get more radiated than i already do... in everyday life."

hah. she's obviously nutty as a shitbird. i bet she thinks she's gluten intolerant, too. and ADHD. crazy cooter coming at ya.
"because i don't wanna get more radiated than i already do... in everyday life."

hah. she's obviously nutty as a shitbird. i bet she thinks she's gluten intolerant, too. and ADHD. crazy cooter coming at ya.

How is she a nut? People are exposed to radiation just about everyday. From microwaves, laptops, x-rays, etc.
case fucking closed. LOL.

i bet you think MSG is the scourge of the universe, too. maybe you should hop on over to the mercola website and find some new stuff to worry about? if you run out of material, let me know. i can hook you up with some serious nutcases that think everything in the world is a health risk. you'd love them.