Two of our favorite pecking points


Southern Discomfort
In the same news story!

A circuit judge last week sentenced an illegal immigrant to 26 life sentences for sexually abusing a young girl over a period of about two years.

Sixto Lopez Laines, a Mexico native, was convicted by a jury on Sept. 19 of a pattern of offenses that included rape, forcible sodomy and object sexual penetration of his stepdaughter, who was 9 when the abuse began.

Heather Howard, the assistant commonwealth’s attorney who led the prosecution, hailed the sentence handed down by Judge C. Randall Lowe as a sign that convicted child molesters will be “aggressively prosecuted.”

The defendant’s DNA was found in the victim – a rare and crucial piece of evidence for prosecutors in child molestation cases, as DNA “does not preserve well in the human body,” Howard said.

Lopez Laines came to the United States illegally at age 17, Howard said, and married the victim’s mother, whom he met at a laundromat. He habitually abused the girl when her mother left the house, Howard said. Prosecutors mapped out a pattern of abuses, alleging one offense per month after the initial incident – 26 in all.

“We feel confident that it happened more than we actually alleged,” Howard said.

Although Lopez Laines had no legal status in the U.S., Howard did not pursue deportation proceedings.

“We wanted to make sure he was never able to have contact with any child ever again, whether here, Mexico, or anywhere else,” she said. “The border is just so porous,” she added. “There is no way to ensure that he would never be back here.”

Lopez Laines’ defense attorney, B.L. Conway, did not respond to a request for comment Monday.

Efforts to reach the victim’s family – which recently moved and does not have a phone – were unsuccessful.

An illegal immigrant child molestor. Y'all wanna give him amnesty?

Off with his head.
Well if he is a mexican national, I think the USA has no choice but to deport him, and he can do his time in a mexican prison.

I saw a documentry, I think the punishment would more than fit the crime.

(To bad we can't send him to a russian prison, with certain tattoos.)
He broke the law here. He was tried here. He was convicted here. He made his residence here. He can do his time here.

The point being that Mexican prisons are worse than american ones, and his treatment there would be harsher, instead of protected custody, at american taxpayers expense.
He should be deported. Tie him to an inner tube & drag his ass to Tijuana for the handover.
And then start the stopwatch to see when he gets back.

But hey, what the hell would I know about prison sentencing, deportation policies, anything like that? I'm just a pizza guy...
And then start the stopwatch to see when he gets back.

But hey, what the hell would I know about prison sentencing, deportation policies, anything like that? I'm just a pizza guy...

I don't think he would live a year, I really don't think he would be coming back, but if you think that the American taxpayer should spend money to house, cloth, and feed a foreign pedophile, I'm just the Canadian.
I don't think he would live a year, I really don't think he would be coming back, but if you think that the American taxpayer should spend money to house, cloth, and feed a foreign pedophile, I'm just the Canadian.

Why not? We spent tax dollars on him before he got convicted I'm certain. Roughly 48% of the voters seem to want to give 'em citizenship, thus opening the coffers that much more for them. Personally, if my tax money is gonna be wasted on this creep, let it be to imprison him.

I've dealt with Mexico's deportation system frequently. I've dealt with Canadian, Laotian, Vietnamese, Brazilian, British, and Korean situations too. I'm not so convinced he'd spend too much time in a Mexican jail. It's not a conviction in a Mexican court; therefore the rules change instantly. It's a completely different animal. Knowing this, yes I'll gladly pay my portion of tax money to keep this perv locked up nice and tidy rather than take the chance he'll skip out at some point. But that's just me.
He should be deported. Tie him to an inner tube & drag his ass to Tijuana for the handover.

deportation is near worthless until the borders, and ports are brought to the
security levels that they need to be.
At least it looks like some progress is being made, and the
admin seems to be trying a little harder at it.
Look at the condition I set for deportation...that was the point of that post.
Why not? We spent tax dollars on him before he got convicted I'm certain. Roughly 48% of the voters seem to want to give 'em citizenship, thus opening the coffers that much more for them. Personally, if my tax money is gonna be wasted on this creep, let it be to imprison him.

now i can't fault you for not listening to the democratic debates. hillary is like needles in the ear. but if you'd have tuned in you'd have noted that both of them crazy liberal "demonrat" candidates have mentioned specific exclusions for criminals in their immigration reform plans.

it's fine with me if you want to keep him in prison here. but, can we bill mexico for it?
Commit? Who knows.

Get caught? Maybe.

Illegal immigrants commit a crime by their very presence here. So every last one of them is guilty of that. Hard to beat 100%.
There's a fair amount of stats on this. Here's one article.

Immigrants in California, including those without documents, are "far less likely" than the native-born to end up incarcerated for crimes, according to a study released Monday by the Public Policy Institute of California.

Analyzing prison records, researchers found that native-born men in California are incarcerated in state prisons at rates that are 2 1/2 times greater than the foreign-born.

Immigrants are 35 percent of California's adult population, the study notes, but only 17 percent of the state's prison population.

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This gap increases when U.S. census data from county jails and institutions such as halfway houses are included.

The study found that among males between the ages of 18 and 40 – a group considered most likely to commit crimes – U.S.-born men are 10 times more likely than immigrants to be imprisoned or jailed.

"There are lots of reasons to be concerned about immigration. But spending your public safety dollars to reduce immigration is not going to have a big impact on public safety," said Kristin Butcher, an economist at Wellesley College and co- author of "Crime, Corrections and California: What Does Immigration Have to Do With It?"

SNP is probably right about them just getting caught less. :laugh:
Foreign-Born vs. Native-Born Men: Who Are More Likely to be Incarcerated?

Inasmuch as conventional theories of crime and incarceration predict higher rates for young adult males from ethnic minority groups with lower educational attainment — characteristics which describe a much greater proportion of the foreign-born population than of the native born — it follows that immigrants would be expected to have higher incarceration rates than natives. And immigrant Mexican men — who comprise fully a third of all immigrant men between 18 and 39, and who have the lowest levels of education — would be expected to have the highest rates.

Data from the 5 percent Public Use Microsample (PUMS) of the 2000 census were used to measure the institutionalization rates of immigrants and natives, focusing on males 18 to 39, most of whom are in correctional facilities. Of the 45.2 million males age 18 to 39, three percent were in federal or state prisons or local jails at the time of the 2000 census — a total of over 1.3 million, in line with official prison statistics at that time.

Surprisingly, at least from the vantage of conventional wisdom, the data show the above hypotheses to be unfounded. In fact, the incarceration rate of the US born (3.51 percent) was four times the rate of the foreign born (0.86 percent). The foreign-born rate was half the 1.71 percent rate for non-Hispanic white natives, and 13 times less than the 11.6 percent incarceration rate for native black men (see Table 1).