Two tales of self-sacrificing bravery and all-consuming cowardice


Well-Known Member
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for [another].
John 15:13

Same fire. Different reactions.

I will let the reader judge.


AMRI hospital fire in Kolkata: Two Kerala nurses save 8 patients but die in trying to rescue 9th
PTI | Dec 10, 2011, 08.21PM IST

KOTTAYAM: Two young bravehearts from Kerala, who were nurses in the fire-ravaged AMRI Hospital in Kolkata, saved eight patients before their own lives were snuffed out while trying to rescue another victim.

Remya and Vineetha, both 24 pulled out eight of the nine patients in the noxius smoke-filled female ward and when they had gone up to save the ninth patient, who had suffered a fracture, succumbed to the smoke and heat, said Sumini, the Deputy Nursing Superintendent.



India hospital blaze kills at least 89

Kolkata, INDIA — Medical staffers abandoned their patients and fled for their lives as a fire swept through a private hospital in Kolkata early Friday, killing at least 89 people, most of them patients at the five-star medical facility, witnesses and local authorities said.

Authorities ordered the arrests of six hospital officials at the Advanced Medical Research Institute (AMRI) on charges of culpable homicide. Hospital Vice President Satyabrata Upadhayay denied any wrongdoing, noting that three of the dead were hospital staff.

About 160 patients were in the hospital when the blaze began about 3:20 a.m., spreading across the building and spewing flames and noxious fumes. People waved white bed sheets from the windows, while some with broken limbs crawled away to save themselves.

Authorities said most of the 89 victims died of asphyxiation.


God bless those two women and may they rest in peace.
um aren't they muslims jim?

Um, no. Not necessarily. Are you under the mistaken impression that India is primarily a Muslim state? That would be Pakistan for those in the know.

The fire happened in Kolkata, India.




Hindu 80.5%, Muslim 13.4%, Christian 2.3%, Sikh 1.9%, other 1.8%, unspecified 0.1% (2001 census)




Muslim 95% (Sunni 75%, Shia 20%), other (includes Christian and Hindu) 5%
I think he was waiting for me to come along and call them all a bunch of:

3rd world rat eaters