U.N. secretary-general Clinton to meet with president Clinton today...


Well-Known Member
As many of you know i've been raving for some time that Hillary will be the president in 2008. So what if Bill ends up as U.N. secretary-general at the same time? What would you think of this? I see this as an easily plausable scenerio. Europe loves bill after all and Hillary will catch all of John kerry's votes plus a larger woman and minority vote.

Scary stuff(imo) :D
A Bush victory eliminates this disasterous scenario. A Kerry victory may ensure it. Bill in NY,Billary in DC...burn the Constitution, it's useless.

Why is this news now? This is not new information.
Gonz said:
A Bush victory eliminates this disasterous scenario. A Kerry victory may ensure it. Bill in NY,Billary in DC...burn the Constitution, it's useless.

Why is this news now? This is not new information.

A Bush victory doesn't necessarily eliminate it Gonzo. I am confident the nightmare will happen. Can't really say about Bill and the UN though. As far as it being old news...it's all old news. I don't even know why they cald it "news".
The US has to officially support its choice of UN representative. You really think GW would allow Slick Willie a seat in NY?
I do actually. Have you seen the other options?
Better to have an unfriendly outsider (ie, Annan) in that seat than an unfriendly insider.
I don't think so. The American public would grill gwb like he has never been grilled before if he passed up the chance to have Clinton in this seat. Even the most powerful American Jewish organisations will (foolishly) pressure GWB on this one. If he passed on it Ann Richards would have to come forth again and state in that lovely texas accent "You can stick uh fork in George Bush cuz he's done".
Sure, right after the UN pays rent for a mid-town Manhattan skyline view.