Ummmmm, I.....

They prolly just drink more beer and stay. (its his kids not mine i child proofed for, btw,24-21)
I know! Pretend to become a born again Christian and make everyone pray with you at every opportunity.
Tell you bf that you're not willing to put up with his free loading kids who cause you hardship (like having your phone cancelled)...the long and the short of it is if he continues to let them get away with it there is nothing you can do. A friend of my mom's just walked away from her marriage because after years of trying to get her step son to respect her he wouldn't and he husband wouldn't put his foot down and do something about it. This kid is still in highschool so she wasn't trying to get him out of the house, just to show her the same respect any human being should be shown...
You know, you could always just hide a mayonnaise and egg sandwich somewhere in their room that they'll never think to look... preferably near a heat source. It'll take a week or two, but they'll leave. Trust me. ^_^
You know, you could always just hide a mayonnaise and egg sandwich somewhere in their room that they'll never think to look... preferably near a heat source. It'll take a week or two, but they'll leave. Trust me. ^_^

or a Mcdonalds filet-O-fish huh?? LOL