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News of a crash in which seven children perished so upset their grandfather that he had a massive heart attack and died, the children's adoptive mother said.

"I lost my daddy tonight," Barbara Mann said Wednesday. "My dad died of a massive heart attack tonight over all this. He lost all seven of his grandkids ... I can't deal with this."

A tractor-trailer plowed into the children's car near Gainesville, Florida, Wednesday, slamming it into the rear of a school bus that had stopped to let children off.

The car burst into flames, killing all the children inside, said Lt. Mike Burroughs of the Florida Highway Patrol.


Lost all 7 of her kids and her father out of the same accident. The truck driver had damned well better come back clean of alcohol and drugs (all indications are that he will).
And that, my friends, is how fast your plans for a golden future can vanish. Hug your children today, because you might not be able to tomorrow.
The driver is going to jail (like he doesn't feel guilty enough already).

This whole story if funky...where were the parents? Why was a 15yo driving? Why was every sibling in the car? Why did the car burn? Where were teh parents?
And what a horrible way to die; being burned to death. :(

We had a local tragedy last year where a guy who was "distressed" and trying to "end his suffering" got drunk (3x legal limit) and drove the wrong way on Meadowbrook Parkway on purpose and hit a limo head on. The limo was returning from a wedding.

Instead of ending his own life, he ended the lives of the limo driver and 7 year old Katie Flynn, who was the flowergirl in the wedding. Her mother and grandparents were in the car too and were seriously injured. They live a couple of blocks from my house.

That's why I would want to slam into a tree or a bridge post at 90 miles an hour. Trying to hit another car had too little chance of killing me and too much chance of killing someone else.
I heard about this on the Boortz show today, so sad. The driver of the kids car had no license. WTF? Not that it had a relavance but it makes you wonder.
Well, since the driver was one of the kids, it makes sense she wouldn't have a license...