
long walks, long lazy days at friends and dads place, reading 3 books at once, comiserating with moms side of the family, deep cleaning the carpets, depression, dieting, burnout, longer sleep cycles... your basic 'anywhere but here' syndrome.
Swell, nothing ever gets you down does it ol' chap(thinks about asking Unclehobart if he can has his car if he decides to commit suicide this week but hesitates).

Edit...rereading that...i hope something bad didn't actually happen in your family.(In which case this would be a very bad joke)
There is a mild bad thing. You may remember back around november wherein I talked about an aunt with cancer. The latest report is that it has spread to the lung and liver ... but just as spots. She still in the best shape now that shes been in 15 years ... but just got through the last of the original chemotherapy for the uteran cancer. She may recover ... she may last 3 years... she may last 6 months. Its all up in the air at the moment.
wishing her the best unc good to know shes in teh best shape shes ever been in and its good to see you back.
indeed... her sis (my mom), and grandma are pretty eaten up over it right now. It hasn't phased me, my aunt, or her hubby much for the moment. Were bitter fighters that don't mourn the living.
Another ten years and we might not have to deal with this anymore. They're already curing cancer in rats. Seems like everyone i know has lost atleast one person to cancer. Leah lost her mom to breast cancer and my grandmother died of it also. Eventually it'll be remembered as a black spot in history. Many people don't know that cancer has only been around for the last century or so. Hopefully we won't have to deal with it for much longer.
*covers my ears because of the deafening sucking sound of Unc's life returning to the boards*

glad to see you here hun ... :kiss: