unclehobart ...

ahhhhhh ... I see nan deska ...

I was thinking that at first but then I thought .. "wait a minute .. it's not Sunday" :D
I guess I should be on the list too, whatever it is. I also know that he goes to see his Dad and Steve on Sundays. Oh and I'm thinking Steve should also be on the list-considering it's his house, he's probably aware of it too. :D

Want to know when he plays poker and with whom? Or is that a different list? ;)
see? My knowing little details about his life doesn't mean anything ... I'm sure gf knows just as much, if not more, about him than I do ....
Poker is every 2nd saturday of the month. The regulars are Steve, I, Dan Peat, Carlton Law. There is a short list of about 5 irregulars that can join us at any time.
Originally posted by greenfreak
Want to know when he plays poker and with whom? Or is that a different list? ;)
Not but if you tell me that he plays strip I'll add you to my list :D
*reads through the posts and after having met both unc and HomeLAN, begins to form visions in my mind*

noooooo ... nooooooooooo ... BEHIND ME SATAN!!!!!!!!

thanks gf - I will sooo never be the same ...

men should not be gathered in a group nekid unless they're dancing around with dollar bills hanging from their g-strings
