Understanding sensitivites


molṑn labé
Staff member

Actress Cameron Diaz appears to have committed a major fashion crime in Peru.

The voice of Princess Fiona in the animated Shrek films may have inadvertently offended Peruvians.

They suffered decades of violence from a Maoist guerrilla insurgency by touring there on Friday with a bag emblazoned with one of Mao Zedong's favourite political slogans.

While she explored the Inca city of Machu Picchu high in Peru's Andes, Diaz wore over her shoulder an olive green messenger bag emblazoned with a red star and the words 'Serve the People' printed in Chinese on the flap, perhaps Chinese Communist leader Mao's most famous political slogan.

While the bags are marketed as trendy fashion accessories in some world capitals, the phrase has particular resonance in Peru.

The Maoist Shining Path insurgency took Peru to the edge of chaos in the 1980s and early 1990s with a campaign of massacres, assassinations and bombings.

Nearly 70,000 people were killed during the insurgency.

A prominent Peruvian human rights activist said the star of There's Something About Mary should have been a little more aware of local sensitivities when picking her accessories.

"It alludes to a concept that did so much damage to Peru, that brought about so many victims," said Pablo Rojas about the bag's slogan.

"I don't think she should have used that bag where the followers of that ideology" did so much damage.
© Copyright Press Association Ltd 2007, All Rights Reserved.

Oops, I guess not all poor peoples like comminists
communism greatly contributed to the growth of this country by acting as a massive distraction to domestic unrest.

"if you don't like it, go move to russia!"
Hmmm...I like that phrase. Better yet, how about "America. Love it, or leave it!". :rolleyes:

sounds great i'm sure you would get the endorsement of several folks around here.

i'm told that phrase comes with a complimentary tin of skoal, a miniature american flag, and a universal TV remote.
don't forget the ass-kicking for the uppity smarty pants college grads.
i done gradiated three times! i think more than a simple asskicking may be in order. you may need one of winky's beloved mk82 slicks.
i done gradiated three times! i think more than a simple asskicking may be in order. you may need one of winky's beloved mk82 slicks.

And I congratulate you on your PHD. Now go pester a mall-rat, and leave the adults alone. :p
i don't think the people who pester mall rats have quite my billing rate.

but i'll get out there and see what i can get done.

now, there, package picker, you get out there and put them little boxes in the big ones and load 'em on that truck. :retard:
i don't think the people who pester mall rats have quite my billing rate.

True. But they're not arrogant, either. ;)

2minkey said:
but i'll get out there and see what i can get done.

now, there, package picker, you get out there and put them little boxes in the big ones and load 'em on that truck. :retard:

Thats the best you can come up with? Guess all that money was wasted, eh?
Thats the best you can come up with? Guess all that money was wasted, eh?

nah i'm sure i could come up with something really shitty to say, but i guess i lack the willingness to explore that since you're generally "an okay guy."

and, don't worry, i didn't pay for it...
nah i'm sure i could come up with something really shitty to say, but i guess i lack the willingness to explore that since you're generally "an okay guy."

and, don't worry, i didn't pay for it...

Not shitty...witty. A poignant riposte.
That concludes my use of multisyllabic words for the day. I will now go back to grunting and scratching...
not feeling witty today... plus i don't really know that much about you, except that you're probably getting laid less often now than if you'd stuck with THE NAVY.

how's that? yeah, pretty lame...
not feeling witty today... plus i don't really know that much about you, except that you're probably getting laid less often now than if you'd stuck with THE NAVY.

how's that? yeah, pretty lame...

Umm...I'm not Navy. I'm Air Force. Never been Navy. What that has to do with getting laid is beyond me, but most of the swab-jockies I know personally don't get laid like the public thinks either...
no i meant getting plooked by other MALE sailors like you did when you were in the navy. yes, you were in the navy. stop denying it. i've seen the pictures.

This thread is going no where. You two don't wanna
quip on each other, lets get back to patriot slogans

"My country Right or wrong"
no i meant getting plooked by other MALE sailors like you did when you were in the navy. yes, you were in the navy. stop denying it. i've seen the pictures.


Riiiigggghhhhtttt. Now for your consolation prize, you can continue to be wrong on all other fronts as well. :p

Have fun at Sea-Tac mall.
hmmm. this sea-tac place sound like somewhere there will be sailors. bet you'll be showin' up real soon with a handful of grease and a chipper smile.

Ah. Finally found a witty riposte. We may be onto something here, as the initial response was sorely lacking in the contextual realm.