United 93


molṑn labé
Staff member
Anyone going to see it? It looks interesting but I'm still pissed from the original, not really needing the adrenaline kick.
I've been seeing the previews for this but damnit, I know I saw this on TV a few weeks ago on TLC. Is this a different movie than what I saw? It looks like tha same one.
Perhaps this version will have Howie Long and Wesley Snipes teaming up to retake the plane with ninja-like agression and oiled body posing.
It's supposed to be extremely true to the facts and to bear a strong resemblance to a documentary, not a Golan/Globus flick. I don't know.
HomeLAN said:
It's supposed to be extremely true to the facts and to bear a strong resemblance to a documentary, not a Golan/Globus flick. I don't know.
To the facts as known. Since nobody survived, there has got to be a lot of speculation. I'll wait for it to come out on cable if I watch it at all. I'm with Gonz on this one.
It's reported to be written using all known facts including purported telephone conversations from onboard the plane. It's filmed using handheld cameras, to give it a firsthand, onboard feel and in documentary fashion. All the families involved have signed off on the project. :shrug:
Needs to be seen by liberals everywhere. Conservatives will just get more pissed.
Everybody should get more pissed that the people in office have made no safer and just use the deaths of these people to scare us into giving up rights and squandering resources screwing around in Iraq.
I'm interested in seeing it, but not paying $13.00 to see it. I'll wait for it to come out for rental or on cable.
We watched it last weekend. Everybody was on the edge of their seat, and there wasn't a dry eye in the house after.

It was so realistic, it was way scarier than anything Hollywood writers could have come up with.

No Hollywood actors were in it (with one exception, I think), some of the actual ground crew people were in it, and it was presented in real-time.

Very powerful film, every American should see it, it will clear up a lot of misconceptions some folks seem to have.

Man, Canadian money sucks.

I go to the theatre (rarely) for $5.50, (before 6pm) & rent for $2.49 or less.

It depends on where you go around here. Weeknights are about $5.50, weekends are $9ish. To rent movies it depends on a lot... but anywheres from a few bucks to around $5.