United Kingdom/Britain/England/Whatever


OK this forum seems a bit britishy, so my good men/women, please answer a few questions:

How do you call yourself? British? UKers? Britons? English?

Do people that live in England um, discriminate against people that live in Wales/Scotland/Ireland? Sort of how we discriminate against anyone from Quebec?

Is Wales part of Britain? United Kingdom? WTF is going on there?

Do you have states? How many? Do states have capitals? What about counties?

What are the major cities? I know London is a fairly big town, but what about York? And that -oborough place where MuFu is from sounds interesting even though I can't pronounce the name 6 times fast.

Do people from Wales/Scotland/Ireland travel under a British/UK/English/Whatever passport?

Sorry about all these questions, but I am kind of confused what is going on there. ;) Thanks
call my self british
girls irish, don't discriminate, ris sucks :D
Wales is British , ris sucks :D
Manchester, Liverpool etc..
not sure, think so
ris sucks :D
Originally posted by LastLegionary
OK this forum seems a bit britishy, so my good men/women, please answer a few questions:

How do you call yourself? British? UKers? Britons? English?


Do people that live in England um, discriminate against people that live in Wales/Scotland/Ireland? Sort of how we discriminate against anyone from Quebec?

Fucking right they do

Is Wales part of Britain? United Kingdom? WTF is going on there?

United Kingdom. Not that they want to be

Do you have states? How many? Do states have capitals? What about counties?


What are the major cities? I know London is a fairly big town, but what about York? And that -oborough place where MuFu is from sounds interesting even though I can't pronounce the name 6 times fast.

Glasgow, Sterling, Manchester, Liverpool

Do people from Wales/Scotland/Ireland travel under a British/UK/English/Whatever passport?

British passport. Only better passport in the world is Canadian.

Sorry about all these questions, but I am kind of confused what is going on there. ;) Thanks

I'd rather answer questions than correct misconceptions.
For the same reason that Texas hasn't seceeded from the US. Quebec hasn't seceeded from Canada. It's not as easy as just saying so.
Quebec hasn't seceeded from Canada because there was no majority vote in favor.

All that is required for Texas to seceed from the United States is a majority vote, which isn't likely to happen.

If so many people in Wales don't want to be part of the United Kingdom, why don't they have a referendum and if the majority says "yes", so be it?

I would hardly go to war if Quebec decide to separate. We put more money into Quebec than any other state and we don't get no nothing out of them, except complaints, good beer, and good entertainment (ok, so I like Just for Laughs) :p
wales, scotland and northern ireland all have a limited self government under recent devolution. each has their own parliaments with different powers and voted representatives. they still have their voted representatives in westminster [london].
devolution was voted for by the peoples of those countries too.

the powers of the self-governments are different, largely according to historical basis. scotland has the most powers [up to limited tax raising powers], because at points in history scotland was an independent country and still has a different law system etc.
wales has less powers but was historically just feifdoms and waring princes. these were predominantly in the north and west where the welsh language is most prevalent, although it is taught all across wales now.

it is not as easy as saying that they countries should be cut off and made independent. there are many, as in northern ireland, who want to remain part of the uk and would fight for the right to do so. the devolution vote in wales was passed only by 0.1% and cardiff [the capitol] voted no by a large majority.

the current system, while not perfect, at least gives the unique parts of the uk some self government as well as a say in the overall decisions made at westminster.

for info, the uk is about 55million people, wales is around 5-6million, england 35m or so.

london is the largest city in the uk at about 10million. it is capitol of britain and england. caridff is capitol of wales, edinburgh scotland and i think belfast is northern ireland's.
the other major cities in the uk include birmingham, manchester, liverpool, leeds, newcastle and bristol. cities were traditionally those towns that had a cathedral but this has been changed now and city status is granted by royal decree at special times [eg jubilee or millenium]. york is a city, but not a major one, it does have a very fine cathedral known as the minster.

the counties in the uk are larger than those in the us, there are about 50 across the whole of the 4 coutries. my home county, suffolk [england] is about 70miles by 50. some of those in the us may know it as we had a lot of us airforce bases there in the 80s.

i describe myself as british although i was born in england and currently live in wales. there are many in wales who would describe themselves as welsh and european, and rather not be part of britain.

all four countries have a european passport of the british government.

oh crap, long old post. bound to get more questions now! )
glasgow is larger and is a city, but edinburgh is the capitol and the home of the holyrood parliament [designed by the late enric miralles, top spanish architect chappy] )
indeed, the stone of scone [pronounced scoone] was returned a couple of years back, rightly i think.
Originally posted by LastLegionary
Quebec hasn't seceeded from Canada because there was no majority vote in favor.

49% voted to leave. :eek:

I would hardly go to war if Quebec decide to separate. We put more money into Quebec than any other state

Quebec sucks up all the rich province's money in "equalization payments" aka "welfare." And then they just bitch and want to leave. Ungrateful bastards. :grumpy:
Quebec sucks up all the rich province's money in "equalization payments" aka "welfare." And then they just bitch and want to leave. Ungrateful bastards

Yet another who believes their politicians. Quebec is one of the rich provinces. The money goes to pay farmers to let crops rot in the fields in order to keep the price up. It goes to farmers who's crops have failed for the n'th time in a row. It goes to pay fishermen who aren't allowed to fish anymore.

Yeah, it goes to welfare, too. Welfare for farm hands who don't work all winter. GM plant workes who's jobs just went to Mexico. Textile workers who's company went bust.

Quebecers pay the highest taxes in North America, bar none. Suggesting that they take money from the other provinces just goes to show that you don't have a clue.
Thanks for all the info. Got another question.

The de facto name for September 11, 2001 is the Nine-Eleven day. CNN, Toronto Star, MSNBC, all call it "what happened nine-eleven"....

Do British call it eleven-nine because they write the day first? :confuse3: