

While studying for tomorrow's two exams, I talked to my co-op boss and we discussed universities in general. He believes there are four categories for *general universities*. This excludes specialty organizations like London School of Medicine, London School of Economics, and so forth.

1) Liberal Arts - These are pure arts, not applied arts. Good programs would be political science and economics. Universities that excel in this category would be:

- Yale

Political view is usually: left of center.

2) Applied Arts - These are applied arts. Good programs would be law, accountancy, and so forth. Universities that excel in this category:

- Harvard
- London School of Economics (yeah I threw a specialized organization in)

Political view is usually: right of center.

3) Pure Science - Now this is a bit vague. These are the pure forms of science and not their application. Universities that excel in this category is also scarse and we could not come up with one except:

- University of Edinburough

and only because my boss visited the university personally.

4) Applied Science - These are the ones I'm most familiar with. They include all applied sciences such as computer science, engineering, and so forth. Top universities in the world in this order: (I actually consulted with an IBM executive on this lol. My boss has some interesting connections.)

- M.I.T. They are the undisputed leader in the world. I wish I could go there, but I had too great an opportunity to study local and be at the second greatest:

- University of Waterloo, Ontario. They are the best in Canada, and second best in the world, and I'm very proud to be going here. :headbang: Anyways, before this economic downturn IT companies used to hang out here at Waterloo and argue over who gets to hire what graduates.

- A possible tie for second place is Stanford.
- Berkley
- Hanover Technical Institute, in Hanover, Germany (I forgot the German name)

Anyone got any comments? Or universities to add?
a lot of uk universities [with the exception of lse etc] don't tend to to be 'pure' apllied arts of science. we have uni's with strong technical reputations and some with arts basis. i'm not sure that there is a strong political bias in place here either, financial constraints have largely eradicated and realistic political dimension.

as a consequence, individual courses rather than universities tend to be world-class. we have uni league tables for entire uni's and then breakdowns by course.

cardiff uni is rated 7th in the uk but the welsh shool of architecture is easily in the top 5.
Justin: I agree that MIT and Waterloo are tops for IT but overall that may not be the case. MIT may very well be up there but your comment about how "IT companies" where hanging out to get the Waterloos grads doesn't say anything about the rest fo the applied science grads. Chemical Engineering graduates, Civil Engineering Graduates, the IT guys wouldn't care about them.

Also, in MacLean's University reviews within Canada Waterloo was not first for many things people would assume they're first for.

I agree when it comes to IT specifically Software Engineering you are definately at the best school in Ontario (and prolly Canada) but as for other applied sciences, there are other schools that are just as good or maybe better. Waterloo is so damn hard to get into for anything though because people who want to do computers but don't have the grades apply to other things and then try to transfer after a couple of years, I've seen people apply to a program they don't even want just so they can get into Waterloo and possibly transfer into their computer program.

Just a note: I'm not saying that the IBM guy was wrong (who am I to challenge him ?!) I am just saying that it seems he was foucusing more on specifically IT rather than applied sciences overall.
ok, but i never anything to the contrary posted here! this is my second post in this thread! :D or is Last Legionary's name Justin?
:retard: OMG! I am SO sorry! I don't know WHY I thought it was you! I always think you are LL for some reason! I am SO sorry!

LL: Whe I refered to Justin I wa smeaning you!

*does a strip tease for Justin to make up for the mistake*
Justintime said:
ok, but i never anything to the contrary posted here! this is my second post in this thread! :D or is Last Legionary's name Justin?

nix: you sure you didn't confused ris with Justin? (just in case you don't know it, ris' avatar is justin's pic)
No, I know Ris' pic is justin (this is confusing too) I was thinking Justin was the person who went two waterloo for some reaon. I didn't veen look at the name, just the post.
i have promised to change my av, maybe i'll do a suite of mods ;)

but you'll be spared it for a while anyway, so not to worry.
ris... Dandy, I'm gonna look into Wales' Architecture schools.

With respect to IT, specifically Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, and Computer Science, Waterloo is most definitely second place after MIT world wide. I have spoken to quite a number of people about this, including IBM, a manager in Microsoft, and a few other smaller IT companies.

I'm not sure about the other engineering courses though.

I realize Waterloo is not the first in most things such as Arts, philosophy, psych, etc., but I'm speaking about I.T. alone. Waterloo built themselves around IT, and it is their pride. :) We came first a number of times in the World Computing Competition, beating MIT many times. :p
you'll have a short search in welsh architecture schools, there is only one, cardiff university's welsh school of architecture! always looks good in reviews 'no1 in the coutnry' D

in the uk we are top five i think, we're the best research uni in the country on this years research rating [5a], our teaching has been 'excellent' for years. while other departments might not be rated as well on those scales they are regarded higher, in particular cambridge, the bartlett [ucl] and bath.

i've noticed that it's reputation that really counts. some practices prefer students from particular schools because of the sort of teaching they get there. others on reputation of the school alone. all these factors are subjective, although i have no idea if other courses potentially suffer the same issues.
LL:I was agreeing with you that they are most definately the second best in the world. I was just pointing out that you said ranking for "applied sciene" and ranked them second but you shoudl have said "Rankings in IT" or something of the sort.