Untitled (games)


Well-Known Member
Ok this time lets cover the emotional experiences that we remember from games. I originally became hooked on games from seeing screenshots of resident evil in a magazine and being completely blown away. I remember not being able to put that mag down for days. One of the first games i played was actually on the playstation(i know, i know) that being Doom. As if the game wasn't awesome enough, when i first entered one of the levels with an atmosphere of flames my senses became completely overwhelmed. Never before had i felt so close to being in hell, the funny thing was it was a good thing. The music on playstation doom was some of the creepiest most amazing music i have ever heard in any game even to this day. To this day i have a playstation & a PS2 yet the only console game i have is ultimate doom. I'm craving for that atmosphere at 1600x1280 AA and all the other goodies. If it was up to me i'd put the exact same music on the new game.
uuuuh...this thread has turned into something not even close to what it was supposed to be.
Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2 and eternal darkness scared the hell outa me Aeris death in Final Fantasy 7 made me cry and want to kill sephiroth, final fantasy 8 when squall finally hugged rinoa and admitted he loves her, the legend of zelda(esp ocarina of time).
when we got James Bond Goldeneye for N64, I played it so much...I'd go to bed and hear the music...and dream the music...and all day long I'd hear the doors opening and closing...I realized it was time to turn it off for a bit :eek5:
When we used to play "hide & seek" no one would ever find me.....Sometimes I'd sit there quietly for days....waiting. Not long ago, one of my friends told me they never even looked...... :mope:
Hex, I don't know if you have been keeping up with all the news surrounding the release of Doom 3 for the PC, but I think everyone who plays it will have similar feelings you did when you first played Doom on PS. From the sreen shots I have seen, it looks simply unbelievable.
Anyway, I got hooked playing Mario Brothers on the original Nintendo and simply progressed from there. But emotionally, the War simulations they have out now, namely Battlefield 1942, MOHAA, and to a lesser extent RTCW really put you as close to what those situations would have felt like. What amazes me is how they are able to draw you in, but they don't use the same gorefest techniques as seen in some earlier games, like Unreal Torunament 1-2.
I remember when Unc and I sahred a place, and he loaded up the original Xcom on his 386. Talk about some addictive shit. That's what got me into computers and gaming.

A couple years later, I played Doom for the first time on my bro-in-law's setup, a Pentium 166 with a full subwoofer on the sound system. Knocked my socks off, and that got me interested in hardware and upgrading.
Squiggy said:
When we used to play "hide & seek" no one would ever find me.....Sometimes I'd sit there quietly for days....waiting. Not long ago, one of my friends told me they never even looked......

then shouldnt you still be hiding cause they didnt find you ;) jk