Unwashed masses...

I heard about this Friday. Not being a NASCAR fan may sway my opinion, my first reaction was not to see it as disresepect for racing fans but more of what do they know? Is there some kind of NBC threat made? Once I heard someone wo thought it was a slam against racing fans I saw theat point too.
I'm sure it was either:

a. a joke

b. a damn kid of o 21 y/o staffer that doesn't know anything other than smiling and making photocopies.
"If anything, it's the NASCAR fans who should get immunized against Washington officials, not the other way around," Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., is quoted saying at the end of the video.


North Carolina Republican Party Chairwoman Linda Daves added that Democrats are not going to win over any of the prized NASCAR voters with reports like this latest one.

“Democrats should know that there is no preventive measure yet designed to ward off the blue-collar values and patriotism that NASCAR fans represent. If they aren’t careful, they just might catch some of it,” she said.

The fan base of NASCAR has traditionally been rather conservative by nature. They don't get their panties in a wad if they see a [horror]Confederate battle flag[/horror] flying from a camper at a race. They typically don't get all juiced up by such things. They are more tolerant than most of today's Offended ___________ Running Amok. They tend to have a functional brain, in other words.

And I wouldn't worry overmuch about the Demonrats "catching" any patriotism or common sense values from anybody any time soon. They're too busy watching Michael Moore and Al Gore movies.
Well, this rabid racing fan
a) was not insulted --- just chalked it up to people who don't know their ass from their elbow spouting off

b) had knowledge that the team was going to look at primary care facilities in towns around the tracks where they could be exposed to people who are ill

Partisan politics as usual, nothing to it really. Cat, I think there's a lot less to the story than is being told.

BTW, I'm reasonably certain that more than 90% of our Federal gov't (elected and ohterwise). consider more than 90% of the rest of us to be the "unwashed masses" anyway, whether or not we watch NASCAR.
Partisan politics as usual, nothing to it really. Cat, I think there's a lot less to the story than is being told.

I hope.
I'm just standoffish about the gov., the way they are so secretive about so much,
until it makes me suspicious all the time.