
Been on the wifes for two weeks. When we set the computer room up, for real, mine gets 2 new HDDs, adding to the RAID. Time for a new install anyway.
Professur said:
Got your backups handy .... jsut in case?
The new comp is all new. I'll stick the old drive in my usb 2.0 drive case to xfer files and stuff.

Specs (don't disown me now, I have about 50 bucks in the whole system):
Dell Dimension 2400
P4 2.8
1 gig PC2700
80 gig hdd

It's a lot faster than my XP 1700 and I can take my time accumulating stuff to build a real system.

Luis G said:
what kind of network maintenance?
Changing over from 802.11b to 802.11g and rerouting some cables and such.
Luis G said:
So how did it went?
Did you configure the wireless in WPA?
Still working on computers, haven't gotten to the network yet. I will though.
How'd you get that system for $50?

I've been using a P4 2.8 since September 2004 and it's still fast enough for what I've been needing it for.
Inkara1 said:
How'd you get that system for $50?

I've been using a P4 2.8 since September 2004 and it's still fast enough for what I've been needing it for.
Got hit by lightning. One of my bosses had his house hit by lightning, took out his router, cable box and this computer. Insurance replaced it and told him to throw it away. We salvaged what we could use at the shop and I took the rest. Long story short, the mainboard was bad and compgeeks had one just like it for 36 bucks (plus shipping). I had the RAM, the HDD and a DVD burner and there we go.
Kewl, I'm still puttering along with the Barton 2500+. Now my finances are stable I'm looking at upgrading to an athlon64, ddr2 and pci-e after christmas. Hopefully the ddr2 latency's will have reduced by then. :)