vBulletin people


Well-Known Member
Anybody that uses vB ...
Have you heard anything about why vB's site has been down?
Is it the DDos thing again?
yep, DDOS again >;\...

i heard its been bein DDOS'd every sunday afternoon/night for the past few weeks.

but I'm pretty sure its DDOS, yea. :(
mmm, I figured. :disgust2:
It's sad that somebody has nothing better to do with their time
than to screw with with companies like that.
see this is where i dont feel for jelsoft. what in the world are they doing STILL developing work on a public server? specially after the first wave of ddos. And why in the world would KIER, their main programmer be involved in daily operation of their server?
you wouold think they would have been smart enough to keep all development off the public server, but no lets just leave it there.
sorry for the rant but their ignorance on how development should be done is very scary. And i love how most of their patches and fixes are for SECURITY yet they dont practice fundamental procedures themselves.

end of rant.

and i do love their software
It's bugging me thought because vBulletinTemplates keeps being down at the same time which is usually when I am on the hunt for hacks and mods for my boards. Damn DDos
At the moment vb.org and vbulletintemplates.com are up.

Samcurry - they have changed the way they organise the servers, but I think it was Kier who said that, the CVS still had to be online otherwise they would get conflicting code from the devs.
pooly, it would seem to me and many devs who write code, that for strictly writing code and testing they would not ever have to be on a public server. they could run it on 2 computers networked together but not connected to the internet for all testing. i do it all the time. the test forum i have to learn how all this new stuff works is not connected to the net but i access it from a 2nd comp to do everything. i believe fury does the same or similiar.
it would just be nice to see them treat this more like a company than a hobby. cause like i stated they have great software but are lacking on the business side.
well, it looks like vB3-rc1 is going to make it's showing next monday,
if they are up so it can be downloaded. :confused:
I wait with baited breath. Glad I saw the announcement last night before I started hacking my Gamma board.
RC2 today sometime.
I imagine the final release will be some time this month from the look of it. :wink2:
I've not got to RC1 yet. When I had the time to download it last night it wasn't available and then when I popped on today to try I saw about RC2 so am skipping RC1 I think.