Video? Something else?


Staff member
I know nothing, I understand nothing about it.

Here's the thing. Occasionally, in specific games, things will go along swimmingly, and then it will just whoosh! and close (there's no whoosh sound really, that was just for excitement's sake). It's a complete close, it's just as if I'd never had the game on at all. Gone from the taskbar, gone from task manager, just off. It is generally newer games, so I'm thinking maybe it's the onboard video, but it's not always newer games, and it's not all new games.

Why? :banghead:
Is there anything running in the background that may be causing this?I had a similar prob where an email checking program would take me out of a game ,I don't remember if it disappeared from the taskbar though :confused: Another possibilty is DirectX ,either sound or video.Does it happen when there are alot of graphics or sound happening or just when your sitting there not doing much.
There can be a ton of stuff running, or just the basic background stuff. I guess the only thing that strikes me as a commonality is the *mouseclick*/game is suddenly gone startle I guess that? It couldn't be the mouse though?

It's silly games too, SimCity4 I could never play, SidMeier's Pirates...not actionpacked by a long shot. I know Sim is kinda graphics heavy so I'd thought maybe that was it...but I'm kind of leaning away from it now. Sound...dunno.
Get a console. Ive given up playing games on my PC. They always need graphics cards that are more expensive than a PS2 and then when the game installs you find you need a patch, because your setup doesn't support their engine. pff and double pff.
PC games are generally more fun than PS2 games and I'm yet to see an in depth thinker game that isn't a PC port besides the FF series ;)

I'm thinking graphics too these games make any kind of crash logs in their root or subdirectories? If so yer answer may be in there. If not, try rolling back a driver version or two and see if that affects it.
My best initial guess is drivers. Are you running the latest ones on both sound and video? Next step is directx, but let's answer that one first.
That was worthwhile.

I didn't have the latest, and I found out that ctrl/alt/s gives me system info and all the model numbers and stuff. That is nifty :D

I'm gonna have to reinstall a game I think to check this out and see if just that has helped. I uninstalled em as they didn't work out.
Raven said:
PC games are generally more fun than PS2 games and I'm yet to see an in depth thinker game that isn't a PC port besides the FF series ;)

I'm thinking graphics too these games make any kind of crash logs in their root or subdirectories? If so yer answer may be in there. If not, try rolling back a driver version or two and see if that affects it.

I think that if PS2 wants to do a complete emulation of Pc games, then you need a simplified keyboard and a mouse. First person shooters are a joke otherwise.

Nintendo still rule on the fun console front.

Really good PC games are few and far between, I haven't played a really good adventure game for years. Complex physics engines now seem to be more important than story and playability. Deus ex was the last really good FPS.

FF is hit and miss but they have the right idea about what a game should be about.