Village missing an idiot?


Staff member
Maybe they're in Ft. Wayne :eyemouth:

This heartland city of 255,000 has been dubbed the dumbest town in all the land by Men's Health magazine. It came in dead last, losing out at the bottom of the heap to the likes of Laredo, Texas.

The survey is the talk of the town or at least among those who read, and there appear to be thousands.

A front-page column in the Fort Wayne News-Sentinel last week came with the bold, all-caps headline: SO THEY SAY WE'RE NOT THE BRIGHTEST BULB IN THE BOX ... WHAT DO THEY KNOW?

*runs away before the trout comes out* :bolt:
:trout: Is now glad i live 15 miles outside of fort wayne.

Unc between him and shelley long what can anyone expect?
I was in Ft Wayne this past summer. We went out for breakfast, and the closest thing resembling it on the menu was pancakes, but they only had whole wheat..with so much cinnamon, you saw streaks. They were so bad I got adventurous and tried tobasco sauce, but that idea wasn't all that hot either. (insert obligatory tomato here)

So I dunno how smart or dumb they are, but someone has gotta explain to these folk how to make a heart attack-on-a-plate breakfast.

Oh and we were there for 2 days, and we looked and looked, but we never did find Perdue university... I think they have it hidden somewhere no one can get to...
Camelyn said:
I was in Ft Wayne this past summer. We went out for breakfast, and the closest thing resembling it on the menu was pancakes, but they only had whole wheat..with so much cinnamon, you saw streaks. They were so bad I got adventurous and tried tobasco sauce, but that idea wasn't all that hot either. (insert obligatory tomato here)

So I dunno how smart or dumb they are, but someone has gotta explain to these folk how to make a heart attack-on-a-plate breakfast.

Oh and we were there for 2 days, and we looked and looked, but we never did find Perdue university... I think they have it hidden somewhere no one can get to...
Psst. Purdue isn't in Ft. Wayne, it's in West Lafayette.

I think we all know who's bringing down the Ft. Wayne intelligence curve, don't we???? :lloyd:
chcr said:
Psst. Purdue isn't in Ft. Wayne, it's in West Lafayette.

I think we all know who's bringing down the Ft. Wayne intelligence curve, don't we???? :lloyd:

What the hell do I know, I'm Canadian. I never can tell how you silly Americans are going to spell things :D Besides, some american tourist thing or other said it's supposed to be in Fort Wayne, not my fault if the locals keep moving it around to confuse people ;)
Camelyn said:
What the hell do I know, I'm Canadian. I never can tell how you silly Americans are going to spell things :D Besides, some american tourist thing or other said it's supposed to be in Fort Wayne, not my fault if the locals keep moving it around to confuse people ;)

Sure ,the one time a Canadian doesn't put our favourite "u" in a word and you Americans decide it needs one :rolleyes:

A.B.Normal said:
Sure ,the one time a Canadian doesn't put our favourite "u" in a word and you Americans decide it needs one :rolleyes:



Youu caun't beu seuriouus!
Cam - Indiana University/Purdue University Ft Wayne (IPFW) is here. Purdue is in Lafayette, across the state.

chcr - :finger:

I told all of you how goofy it is here. They come up with the stats by dividing the number of college degree's in relation to the population. Hardly anybody here has ever bin to kollige. They wirk fer a livin.