Violent Consumerism, all the rage. lololol


Well-Known Member
1941 or 2011?

Zombie apocalypse coming soon to liberal city near you.



Some people helping themselves to the wealth, in europe. DAY-4.

It's just more of that class warfare that's being facilitated by the left here in America.

Expect more days of rage.
"We can show the rich people that we can do what we want."

Little does she realize that the rich can do what they want also by moving out of their neighborhoods and leaving them without the goods and services they provide. Take these fuckers back to the dark ages and let them starve. In the meantime, have the God given balls to start shooting these fuckers down in the streets until they stop this shit and go home to hide in their houses.


Witnesses who saw her hurling stones at shops gave a description to police

Friday August 12,2011
By Daily Express reporter

AN 11-year-old girl smirked and refused to apologise as she was hauled before a court for her violent role in the riots.

The hoodie-wearing girl, a primary school pupil until three weeks ago, was accompanied by her father. He shouted abuse at photographers as they left Nottingham Magistrates’ Court.

The court heard the defendant, who cannot be named because of her age, travelled 16 miles to join the mayhem on Tuesday night and said the evening’s chaos had made her “happy”.

Her appearance yesterday came as another schoolgirl was frogmarched into a police station by her outraged uncle after he caught her wearing new clothes he suspected she had looted on Wednesday. :eek2: (WHAT??? A RESPONSIBLE ADULT???) The 14-year-old, from Wolverhampton, was arrested, kept in custody overnight and interviewed.

Of the 11-year-old, prosecutor Sumaiya Saeedullah (Any bets on that nationality, anyone?) said she teamed up with 30 males and three other girls. (Stone her for associating with men who are not her family members!!!)

Most had masked their faces with bandannas to go on “a rampage”. *Witnesses who saw her hurling stones at shops gave a description to police.

Witnesses who saw her hurling stones at shops gave a description to police

District Judge Morris Cooper heard the girl, who is in foster care, told officers she had been “egged on” by others.

She told police she knew she was taking part in a serious disturbance but “wasn’t bothered” because “none of us thought we were going to get caught”. The court heard she received a caution for criminal damage in 2010. During the proceedings she laughed and chatted with male security guards, prompting the judge to ask her solicitor, Lauren Manuel: “Does she have any indication how serious this is?”

Ms Manuel replied: “She now realises it was more than just messing about. Her understanding of what happened is limited because of her age.”

In court the girl’s father said: “She knows what she has done and wants to say sorry.” But when prompted to apologise to the judge she said nothing, smirked and looked away.

She admitted criminal damage and attempted criminal damage and was given a nine-month referral order to work with a Youth Offending Team.
wow jim. you've blamed both liberals and muslims in this thread.

everybody but you, man. everybody but you.

personally, i blame the laziness of the working classes in england. all they do is sit around and blame everyone else, when it's their own inertia that let everything slide into shitsville.
personally, i blame the laziness of the working classes in england. all they do is sit around and blame everyone else, when it's their own inertia that let everything slide into shitsville.
I blame those who work so hard to make a government dependent way life an acceptable way of life, rampant immigration doesn't help either.

Celebrate Diversity.
I blame those who work so hard to make a government dependent way life an acceptable way of life, rampant immigration doesn't help either.

Celebrate Diversity.

extra points again for basic literacy.

well, everything you point toward is epiphenomenal.

if you were smarter, you'd understand your own self parody. but, then, if you were, that self parody would evaporate...

this "dependence" thing is interesting though. tell me, have you earned everything you've ever consumed? something tells me you have not. you whine too much to be a self-made man.
I once collected unemployment, almost $200, in ~1985. By the time the check arrived I already had another job. I lived with my parents until I was 17, and once we borrowed $1k from my mother in-law for school.

Funny, you seem to want to blame me for the faulty/weak ideologies of the left. Reality is a bitch sometimes.

Oh, ...and I love it when you go to the grammer nazi defense. (I'm out of bed now, I've had some coffee and a bowl of goatmeal)
grammar nazi offense? and you're using what, the dumbshit defense?

i'm blaming YOU for the left? really dude i cannot imagine you of the cause of anything other than a pregnancy or eight. or perhaps a traffic accident. why would one blame the powerless, even if they often are annoying loudmouths?

Pardon me but I'm not the one who spend all my efforts into rationalizing everything into nonsense that keeps me from seeing what I really believe, all while not really saying much of anything in the process.

-- Retro bb.
Coming to the theatre near you

start shooting these fuckers down in the streets
until they stop this shit and go home to hide in their houses

It's worked everytime its been tried.