Virginia schools to get firearms education


Well-Known Member
The Eddie Eagle program is to be taught at Virginia schools which wish to have it. The antis will be up in arms because an educated child is a live child and they need dead ones to justify their existence. If they can keep the kids stupid about firearms they will have more bodies to claw their way to the top of the pile with their anti-firearm agenda.

The first paragraph is stupidly composed; but the rest of the story is fair.


Virginia Schoolkids to Get Gun Safety Classes

Updated: Saturday, 24 Apr 2010, 1:47 PM MDT
Published : Saturday, 24 Apr 2010, 1:47 PM MDT

Schoolchildren in Virginia who aren't old enough to pack their lunches yet will soon start learning about packing heat as part of a new gun-safety curriculum backed by the NRA, reported Saturday.

Schools can decide whether or not to offer the gun-safety education program to students in kindergarten through fifth grade. Schools that do offer it must use the state curriculum, which includes rules used by the NRA's Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program.

The Eddie Eagle mascot advises children: "If you see a gun: STOP! Don't Touch. Leave the Area. Tell an Adult."

The NRA's Eddie Eagle website says that the program's goal "isn't to teach whether guns are good or bad, but rather to promote the protection and safety of children."

Eddie Eagle does not promote firearm ownership or use and firearms are never used in the program, the website says.

"Like swimming pools, electrical outlets, matchbooks and household poison, they're treated simply as a fact of everyday life," the website says. "With firearms found in about half of all American households, it's a stance that makes sense."
it's cool that we can have guns, and that we can try to convince ourselves that by having those guns we actually have some control over our own lives. would you like fries with that?
Gun control Means Hitting What You Shoot At.
