walmart making "green" real!

This is old news. Walmart has been doing this for awhile now. Global warming or not, the depletion of our natural resources, the wastefulness of mankind, the pollution caused by our lazy ways are all very real and something needs to be done about them.

It's things as easy as using reusable cloth shopping bags. That keeps plastic bags out of the landfills and they're stronger so you're less likely to end up with the bottom ripped out and your groceries all over the sidewalk. Or, make a conscience effort to buy locally grown produce and locally raised meat whenever possible. It eliminates emissions from trucking it across the country and it tastes better because it's fresher when it hits your plate. People who build and design buildings do their part by properly designing the building to begin with instead of oversizing HVAC components to make up for thermal losses through out the building. You save energy in the operation of the building which saves the owner money on an ongoing basis but it also saves money upfront because smaller HVAC equipment is necessary. The list goes on, we're a long way from a sustainable society but if everyone pitches in just a little bit we'd be a lot closer...and there are so many things that aren't much extra effort that actually benefit the person doing them too. I went to the farmers' market here one day for something to do, have a look around, etc. and I ended up picking up a few things...some steak, some veggies and while they are slightly more expensive than I'd pay at a normal grocery store the quality was well worth it. It was only after I'd been shopping there for a few weeks that I noticed it's also all organic. Now I don't shop anywhere else.
Weird multi-forum cross over. Someone at another forum was complaining that Walmart is pushing the new bags but would not sack her purchases in them- she had to do it. They say they cannot be responsible for the safety of the items breaking in transit in them. Very odd.
Weird multi-forum cross over. Someone at another forum was complaining that Walmart is pushing the new bags but would not sack her purchases in them- she had to do it. They say they cannot be responsible for the safety of the items breaking in transit in them. Very odd.

Well, nobody (almost nobody) said they weren't still idjits.
Weird multi-forum cross over. Someone at another forum was complaining that Walmart is pushing the new bags but would not sack her purchases in them- she had to do it. They say they cannot be responsible for the safety of the items breaking in transit in them. Very odd.

That is full on stupid. Most of my cloth bags are from "Community Natural Foods" and I use them at all kinds of stores. Even if I'm at a different store I've never had anyone refuse to put my items in them for me (unless of course it's a store where you have to bag your own things even if you're using a plastic bag).
Weird multi-forum cross over. Someone at another forum was complaining that Walmart is pushing the new bags but would not sack her purchases in them- she had to do it. They say they cannot be responsible for the safety of the items breaking in transit in them. Very odd.

I have to load those pieces of shit every day and I hate them with a passion. They are a health and safety issue and I wish people, and Wal-Mart, would recognize that fact.

I had a woman bring me her bags a couple of weeks ago and by the time I was done I had to completely clean myself and my register of all of the dog hair that fell off of them. I had another that looked like it had been used as a barf bag it was so dirty. I had to wash my hands after the sale.

They are hard to load. There is no standardization of size. There is no way to support them while loading. People bring all manner of bags to the store from tiny homemade to beach bags.

On top of all of the above, these idiots are so brainwashed about plastic bags that they will tell us to put raw meats, fowl, and insecticides in with their regular groceries. When we bring it to their attention that this is an unsafe practice they nearly invariably say "I'm not going far." If it can get contaminated on my six foot belt it can surely get contaminated on your two mile journey.

I make them load those items and tell them that I cannot do so in good conscience. It is not part of my job to make the customers sick.

Wal-Mart corporate recently decided to hang the bags on our carousels which effectively reduced our bagging capability by 1/6 to 1/3 depending on the carousel. They want to get ahead of these city regulations on plastic bags; but in so doing they have reduced our ability to effectively service our customers. The carousels have now been converted to a point-of-sale display for Department 82 (impulse).

I have brought the above to the attention of my store manager and he is quite concerned. He has e-mailed corporate with those concerns. We will see what happens.

I told my manager of the cleanliness issue and she said "You could mention that 'These are washable'." I tried it and it went over like a turd in a punch bowl. It was not appreciated at all.
I want the plastic bags.
Saves me plently on little trash bags.:beardbng:

I have a couple of customers who come in and ask for everything to be bagged in the large bags. They are the ones that are on the wall behind the cashier not the ones on the carousel. The carousel bags are only good for bathroom size trash cans. They admit that they want them for trash bags that can actually be used for something.
we have 3 baths, 5 bedrooms, all with little cans.
I get some of the bigger ones, but we have our certain specific sizes for
paper/plastic, and glass/metal specially selected can sizes.
they're really good for litter box scoopings.

They're also good for cooking scraps. I place one on the counter and use it to put in veggie peelings, egg shells, butter wrappers, whatever mess/trash I make cooking. It keeps me from having to visit the trash can (and subsequent rewashing of the hands) multiple times while cooking.
i used to use them for food scraps, too, but now we've got an industrial grade garbage disposer that i can throw almost anything down.

whole pieces of rotten fruit? yup.
olives pits? you betcha.
chunks of meat? uh-huh...
uninvited children? perhaps.

the only thing it took it's time with was - surprise - a petrified chunk of parmigiano reggiano cheese. sounded like metal in there. shot a chunk back out. but, eventually, she took the whole thing.
I used to use shopping bags as garbage bags but a couple things turned me off that. First I used to end up with WAY more shopping bags then I'd ever use for I started cutting back on using plastic but still one shopping trip a month or so I'd get plastic for a stock pile. Then all of the stores around me decided they were going to cheap out on their bags and they are started getting holes in them by the time I got them home. So, I just started buying boxes of garbage bags...for $4 I get 40 bags...that lasts me a long time. The other day I ran out and I went looking for a shopping bag to use instead. Well, I found about 6 or 7 around my house (only ever used to bring my original purchase home in) and they ALL had little holes in them...definately no good for garbage like that. So, yeah, the only thing I use plastic for now is when I buy meat and fish. I put that in its own bag inside the cloth bag and then throw out the plastic when I get home.
I like the paper bags from Trader Joe's and my produce co-op. I use those for wrapping books for mailing.