waltz recommendation

haha my sentiments exactly!

Isn't there just one dance? In that case why do they ned multiple music selections??

Same reason there are multiple selections for every dance.


Blue Danube is the most used, but there is also the Vienna Waltz. If you're looking for modern, any 3/4 time will do. Try the Commodores "Three Times a Lady" or "Take It to the Limit" by the Eagles.

Here and here are samples of classical as well...
Mr. Bojangles (6/8 time works just as well), Time in a Bottle, those are the two that pop to mind along with the ones Gato mentioned. There are plenty of modern waltzes though.
Mr. Bojangles (6/8 time works just as well), Time in a Bottle, those are the two that pop to mind along with the ones Gato mentioned. There are plenty of modern waltzes though.

I forgot about Time in a Bottle. One of Jim's best...
I'll check into those guys, thanks. I'm more interested in classic ones, but I'll hear newer ones if recommended :D

I like the blue danube, but as you already said, it is too common.
I was waltzing
With my darling
To the Tennessee Waltz...

I forgot that one, too. I must be getting old. :p

:lol: I have grandchildren to prove that I'm getting old. They say that memory is the first thing to go. I can't remember what the second thing is...