Want to keep your job?

Ash ... no, it isn't. And honestly ... if you've really got reason to badmouth your boss (outside of being a bratty, whiny juvenile) ... you aught to be looking for a new job anyhow. Every boss I've had, I've told them to their faces what I thought of them. It never affected my performance, and it never affected my employment. If I didn't like my boss for something he did, I sat him down and told him it straight. No maliciousness, no bullshit. They had the choice to either make it right, or tell me otherwise so I could give my notice. And give it I did once. But for the most part, I've had good bosses that listen to advice and we made one helluva team.
then you've been lucky in your boss-havings. mine tend to be the "i'm right because i'm the boss" types. not willing to take anyone's opinions on how things should be run, and therefore, subject to much badmouthing. i just hang in there until something better comes along.
Vacuum metastability event

If our universe is in a very long-lived false vacuum, it is possible that the universe will tunnel into a lower energy state. If this happens, all structures will be destroyed instantaneously, without any forewarning.
hmmm. at this point in my life i'd can someone for bitching too much about the boss. it's just a mark of insecurity and i don't need that shit.
Ash ... let's hear your definition of a good boss.

Mine's fairly short. He gives me the tools to do my job, and then gets the hell outta the way and lets me do it. End. I don't really give a damn if he doesn't know my kids names. Frankly, I don't really want to hear about his either. If he had a fight with his wife this morning ...I don't want to hear about it ... and I'm not gonna burden him with the 20 minute discussion about wearing neon green crocs with pink camo pants I had with my daughter. If we're personality compatible, maybe we'll sit and have lunch together, and maybe those things might come up ...... but not on the clock.
Right. Never on the clock. You're too busy posting here to be bothered on the clock...

Sorry, it was lying right there. Had to. You understand.
Ash ... let's hear your definition of a good boss.

Mine's fairly short. He gives me the tools to do my job, and then gets the hell outta the way and lets me do it. End. I don't really give a damn if he doesn't know my kids names. Frankly, I don't really want to hear about his either. If he had a fight with his wife this morning ...I don't want to hear about it ... and I'm not gonna burden him with the 20 minute discussion about wearing neon green crocs with pink camo pants I had with my daughter. If we're personality compatible, maybe we'll sit and have lunch together, and maybe those things might come up ...... but not on the clock.

That's why mine ain't a good one. Tolerable though. You're definition works for me too. BTW, I find that if I start explaining, in detail, what it is that I'm doing when he wants to stick his oar in that after about five minutes his eyes will glaze over and he'll go away.
Mine's fairly short. He gives me the tools to do my job, and then gets the hell outta the way and lets me do it. End. I don't really give a damn if he doesn't know my kids names. Frankly, I don't really want to hear about his either. If he had a fight with his wife this morning ...I don't want to hear about it ... and I'm not gonna burden him with the 20 minute discussion about wearing neon green crocs with pink camo pants I had with my daughter. If we're personality compatible, maybe we'll sit and have lunch together, and maybe those things might come up ...... but not on the clock.

Another with the same short list.

Tell me what you want & get outta the way.
my boss meddles. i do my job, and i do it well, but because some of my coworkers can't do theirs well, she has meetings where she institutes new rules we all must follow, even though the reasoning for the making of the new rule doesn't apply to some of us. she gives me unwanted advice about my life, once telling me that you don't need math to be a nurse, and that that's what i "really ought to go to school for". she talks to you like she's your best buddy, but most of the time, she's talking out of her ass, and you can tell she's not sincere. she also thinks she knows everything, and when you call her on something, she totally BSes, trying to cover her own butt, rather than just say, "oh, i didn't think of it like that", or something. she makes up new rules nearly every day, and usually changes/goes back on them within a few days, making it very hard to know at any given time what the rules actually are.
and other such ramblings :(