want to kill Apple? sell MP3s

Luis G

Staff member

The releases come as some high-tech and music-industry executives are becoming increasingly concerned about Apple's growing clout in the music business. Only online music files purchased from iTunes, ripped from users' own CDs or downloaded from pirate services can be played on the popular iPod. Copy-protected songs purchased from Yahoo and other legitimate sources don't work on it. By selling music in the MP3 format without copy-protection software, Yahoo can offer music that works easily on iPods.

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Smart move, but too bad they are doing it just to kill Apple and not because they recognize that DRM is not good for costumers.
Copy-protected songs purchased from Yahoo and other legitimate sources don't work on it
Not really so, but I understand why they say it.

Edit: Note that all of the music on my iPod is ripped from cds (and albums, 'member them big black plastic discs?). I haven't bought anything from iTunes or the other services yet.
umm.. yeah, that's not entirely true .. don't know where that dork that wrote that article got his information from but iTunes works with a myriad of formats including AIFF, AAC, MP3, MP4, WAV - just to name a few.

And, if for some weird reason it doesn't work with iTunes (which would shock me because I have downloaded from every imaginable source), all you'dhave to do is rip it to CD and reimport it .. voila .. works like a charm. You should always rip to CD anyway just to have a copy of your stuff .. and if you want to manipulate songs you purchase (like to create a ringtone, for example), you have to rip it first and reimport it anyway to unlock it and you don't have to worry about ruining your original purchased song.
The ipod won't play copy protected media, that's why they started to sell mp3z.

Burning to CD, ripping and re-encoding is the equivalent of transcoding and that's not desirable.
so apple is taking the economic model of Microsoft?

funny how they don't put that ideal into their marketing huh?