War casualties


molṑn labé
Staff member

Among those who died in the crash were:

— Three Marines based out of Camp Pendleton, Calif.:

Marine Ryan Beaupre, 30, of St. Anne, Ill. Beaupre piloted the CH-46, according to his sister, Alyse.

Kendall Damon Watersbey, 29, of Baltimore, a specialist in helicopter maintenance. He was assigned to the Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron-268, Third Marine Aircraft Wing.

Cpl. Brian Kennedy, a Texas man whose mother lives in Port Clyde, Maine.

—- The other Marine killed in the crash was identified as Capt. Jay Aubin of Waterville, Maine, who was based at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma.
Wasn't our biggest loss in Afghanistan from a chopper crash in Pakistan? I hate to here those reports. I was avionics in helos in the marines and worked on CH 53d an e, CH 46, UH 1E, OV 10A....
Hilo's scare the hell outta me. Great for traffic reports but give me fixed wing when somebody is shooting.
CH 53s were fantastic. I almost fell 2000 ft out the back of one once. I fell asleep on the cargo ramp. The upper half of the door was always left open to get some airflow thru the bay. The pilot decided to play "Dogfight" with another 53 and stood it straight up. I woke up teetering off the edge of the ramp, staring down 2000 feet. The only thing that saved me was my ICS (radio) cord attached to my helmet...:D
You don't think the sudden release of bodily fluids might have helped you stick a little better?
4 commandos died in a helo incident yesterday and 7 navy in a helicopter mid-air crash off the southern coast today.
And there it is. The americans have yet again taken out their allies. An american patriot missle has downed a UK plane.

Can we keep a running total, please?

Killed by accident
Killed by enemy
Killed by friendly fire.

I think the numbers might be very scary, towards the end. I'd like to include Iraqi numbers, but that'd be only speculative.
Todays happenings. Marines took some heavy casualties when a rocket propelled grenade hit a personell carrier(truck) carrying 20 marines. Some prisoners of war have been taken today also(marines both men and women). Don't have an exact number but it's more than 3 and less than 10.