Warning: Blast Area


New Member
Since noone is posting anymore, I figured to start up with a few site renovations.

I'm going to start knocking a few walls out and install a skylight in here. The Real World is slated for paint and a floor refinish. Please see the front desk secretary to exchange your old keys for the new ones as the locks will be changed within the week. Thank you for your attention.

PS.. see Fred for your parking space decals.
you getting one of those big dumpsters outside too? i got a lot of stuff that needs to go.
When you're done with the dumpster, can I have it next? I don't need it until late next month. Also, my parking space is for sale to the highest bidder...
Gonz said:
Nah, we'll just use Canada


:D :D :D
rob must be losing his grip...i thought we had enough home improvements schedule over here without looking for more!
*smacks rob on the rear with a paint brush :D
Well this ain't prison
and we are a hyperpower
and you are our 'bitch'
so get me a beer
Yeah Canada might have more land mass, ..(especially during winter :D )
but we gots bigger balls. :devious:
Winky said:
Well this ain't prison
and we are a hyperpower
and you are our 'bitch'
so get me a beer

Why don't you use some of your "hyperpower" skills, and put your führer back through elementary school?

"Nu-Q-lar, Nu-Q-lar, Nu-Q-lar" !!

Our man has terrorists on the run. Your man can't control your wimins.
Top 12 telling parallels between Ozzy Osbourne and George W. Bush.

11. Both fully aware that their underage daughters use fake I.D.s to go to bars, do nothing.

10. Ozzy: falls out of chair while trying to work TV remote, Dubya: falls out of chair while choking on a pretzel.

9. Ozzy: subliminal messages on albums, Dubya: "sublimable" messages in campaign ads.

8. Ozzy: Yells at wife Sharon, but does whatever Sharon tells him, Bush: yelled at by Prime Minister Sharon, does whatever he tells him.

7. Ozzy: bit heads off doves at record company office, Bush: bites heads off "Doves" in Oval Office.

8. Ozzy: left Black Sabbath while on 18-month concert tour, Bush: quit Texas Air National Guard with 18-months left in his tour of duty.

7. The cocaine thing.

6. Ozzy: bit head off bat thrown on stage, Bush: stuffed M-80s in frogs mouths, then threw them in the air to blow their heads off (more sanitary).

5. Ozzy classics: "Don't Blame Me", "Denial", "War Pigs", "Demon Alcohol", Secret Loser", " Thank God For the Bomb," Bush: 'nuff said.

4. Neither speaks English.

3. Ozzy: spends half of his time in the United States, half on his estate in England, Bush: spends half of his time in the United States, half on ranch in Texas.

2. Ozzy: will cost MTV $20 million dollars for next two seasons, Bush: will increase deficit by trillions if re-elected.

1. Ozzy: beneficiary of absurd levels of corporate media hype, marketing, Bush: Ditto.
Hmm, well it looks like Yankee boy and Canucky do agree on something !

Ozzy does (did) rock.

unclehobart said:
Since noone is posting anymore, I figured to start up with a few site renovations.

I'm going to start knocking a few walls out and install a skylight in here. The Real World is slated for paint and a floor refinish. Please see the front desk secretary to exchange your old keys for the new ones as the locks will be changed within the week. Thank you for your attention.

PS.. see Fred for your parking space decals.
I'd like to put in a keg fridge and a big neon sign that says "Lighten up Asshole" if that'd be okay. :D