Watch your mouth

What ever happened to free speech? I could see if you were threatening someone to kill, or stalking them, but how far will they take this one? Hmmmmmm.......
tonks said:
some people just need to get a grip on reality, you know? *shakes heads*

I agree. Obviously if it's seriousl threats etc, it's one thing, but people have rights to their opinions.
The article did originate in Asia. The laws over there may be quite different from ours here in the States and/or Canada.
so, we go into there chatrooms, call someone a name, hmm, what do they do, sue us, so next time we set foot in an asian country, we have to cough up the cash?

Ineffective law.

Like the one where the US wanted to sue non-american companies for dealng with Cuba.
PostCode said:
The article did originate in Asia. The laws over there may be quite different from ours here in the States and/or Canada.
Yeah, as I understand it China and other asian nations are run off one big filtering proxy server watched by the government.