We can only wish for politicians like this ...

awesome Jim good find

that guy is off the hook

no we need to go where they are now
crash and burn taking the whole world
down with us into the abyss with us

$89B ?
They need another zero there, to keep up with us.

While you are at it, add a couple of zeros to the population figure.

Ireland: 4,622,917 people

$89,400,000,000 / 4,622,917 = $19,338.44 per capita

United States: 310,232,863 people

$787,000,000,000 / 310,232,863 = $2,536.80 per capita

They have caught up to us 7.6 times over.

Ireland Source

U. S. Source
Then Osambo has some serious work to do
during his remaining time in office.

We cain't be shown up by some drunken paddies


Whose gonna bail U.S. out?