We need to fire them


molṑn labé
Staff member
instead of allowing them to resign at their leisure.

Senate Democrats have filed a $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill that would fund the government through fiscal year 2011, according to Senate GOP sources.

The 1,924-page bill includes funding to implement the sweeping healthcare reform bill Congress passed earlier this year as well as additional funds for Internal Revenue Service agents, according to a senior GOP aide familiar with the legislation.

Dems give it to us up the poop chute (I had to get in on the act too)
yep, they are try their best to farther the illusion they have created for themselves.
They think the people have gone back to sleep, or just don't care.
The same people that were out of touch with reality, still are.
First round of pink slips went out Nov 2nd, I guess they didn'y get the memo either.

Of course we could allow the DREAM, Obamacare, DADT and we might get 2 years of tax cuts for the rich in return.

Shut it all down until the 4th, let them eat caek.
fer sure they can farther the illusion while they eat caek!

well gonz, you get out there and fire them! call in all those favors! unleash the FURY!!!!
just a side note atm....
Aren't bills supposed to originate in the House?
Did this one?
Didn't another bill just get nixed because of that?
They WERE fired!

Nice way for them to show what they are made of as they are booted out.

Let's see what the incoming bunch is made of.

nah, it's full steam ahead come Tuesday.
Boehner should get ready though for the verbal attacks from the
extreme left. They will be saying Everything, and calling him everything.

Obama said 'tone it down', and he's a liar, so you know that actually meant 'turn it up'.
I reckon they are supposed to vote on the "job-killing":rofl2:Healthcare bill repeal, tomorrow.

That may be interesting.
it beats "starving without entertainment" :cocktail:

I disagree though. I does have meaning. If nothing else.
I want to see what Reid's expression is when it hits the senate.
If you think Osamacare is ever going to be repealed
you've got another thing coming.

That big a power grab isn't going to be turned back just
because Sarah Palin got a TV show.

They should be working on Federal indictments
to jail them suckers for stealing a trillion dollars.
It'll be defunded.

Palin has nothing to do with it.
She a just regular citizen like the rest of us.

Issa is the one to watch on prosecution atm.
He's acting all buddy buddy, but he's digging, behind the scenes.
With the power that's been amassed, some things have to be done covertly, then sprung.
Defund this

Obambicare needs to be defeated in the courts
it is blatantly unconstitutional the Congress
should be putting the Demorats on trial.
How exciting it all is?
