We Were Soldiers...


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
I saw this just a couple days ago. Wow. I don't think we have any Vietnam vets here, do we? It was the most intense war movie I've ever seen, and I've seen alot of them.
PuterTutor said:
I saw this just a couple days ago. Wow. I don't think we have any Vietnam vets here, do we? It was the most intense war movie I've ever seen, and I've seen alot of them.
Hm I will watch it tonight, its in my downloads folder and I haven't seen it yet.
It was an Awsome movie. I enjoyed it very much. Seems very realistic. Right up there with Saving Ryans Privates....or is it Saving Private Ryan... :) Seriously it is well worth watching.

Unfotunately it wasn't more than about 1/3 real. I've seen the movie and know the real life account very well. All but one of the battles was at night... but doing so in the movie wouldn't look very cool.

The sheer on screen kill count was phenomenal. It has to be the most violent movie ever made.
Good to here that it's good. I'll be watching it tonight. If they light up the scenary good enough i'll post some screenshots.
unclehobart said:
Unfotunately it wasn't more than about 1/3 real. I've seen the movie and know the real life account very well. All but one of the battles was at night... but doing so in the movie wouldn't look very cool.

The sheer on screen kill count was phenomenal. It has to be the most violent movie ever made.

If you pop in the 2nd DVD, it has an interview with the real LtC and he stated it's very accurate.
pfft.. Hes deluded. Outside of names, uniforms, and manpower, it was all too Hollywood. The place was right. The timing was off. The isolated unit was done best. Its what they had to do to cram it all into 2 hours.
The LtC was also trying to sell books. He had to sit there in front of the camera and do the little 'it was the best thing since sliced bread' dance, lest he not get paid.
I don't know a thing about the real life story, but I find hard to believe that it happened the way it's shown...
Well the movie show the already outnumbered americans being unmercifully massacred all the time. Then in a blink of an eye they go berserk running toward the enemy with baionets and kill everyone. Sorry it's hard to believe in both the extreme situations...
I forgot about that part. I thought all battles ended with a chopper strafing the enemy lines and killing everyone so the grunts dont have to do work :confuse3: .

The LtC was also trying to sell books
This might very well be the case, but the Vietnam veterans that i know would not sell lies about their comrads for any amount of money. Any man who does so would lose anything he might have gained as a man fighting for this country. Because then the courage they had would have been for money and not freedom and democracy. Sorry if that sounds cheesy but it's the truth. Now i don't know that he didn't sell out his fallen comrades and i don't know of the accuracy of the story, but i do know some battle hardened vets and i find this idea difficult to grasp.
Wasnt trying to say that his book was packed with lies. I'm trying to say that he was willing to agree that the movie was bang up accurate to help it out. He didnt write the movie.. so he cant be held accountable for any poetic rewrites along the way. All he had to do was say... yeah.. thats cool. I don't know how he could say it was accurate when 4 of the 5 battles were at night.. not the other way about.
Justintime said:
bayonets, and killing people with guns? wow.. sure it could happen :rolleyes:
Well they're not simply piercing people, they're shooting aswell. But then again, it's a mob running against entrenched enemy soldiers and almost nobody gets killed...