Web address help


Well-Known Member
I've got a server setup on my intranet.
I'm using dhcp, and the address is .
My charter account ip/address is or

now if I hook my comp up to the modem directly, so that it gets
assigned the address, it serves,
and or can be seen/connected to fine.

I have set this comp's ip to be using DMZ to bypass the router.

I figure there is a syntax to get to it, but I don't know what it would be.

This doesn't work, but I figure it's some thing like....
or[email protected]
or something along those lines...? :confused:
The only DMZ I have any experience with is Sonic Wall (we use one at work) and those settings are in the firewall, but I don't remember what they are. If you don't get it sorted by Monday, I'll try to remember to check and let you know. :shrug:
What kind of router are you using?
Dunno, cat. I've only ever configged one, and it was a couple of years ago. I'll have to look at my notes at work Monday. Sorry.