Webcam Question


New Member
So, my bro-in-law has a mac notebook, and I'm running a desktop PC with Windows 98 SE.

AIM won't let me use my webcam due to OS limitations, and he can't use MSN because of his webcam limitations.

Anyone know any freeware that would allow us to video chat? He's gonna be leaving his kid here for a bit and would really like to be able to video conference.
Pretty sure Yahoo Messenger does. I know ICQ does, but I won't recommend that to anyone.
Yahoo does webcam but it tends to update like once a second; MSN's webcam function is much smoother.
Inkara1 said:
Yahoo does webcam but it tends to update like once a second; MSN's webcam function is much smoother.
Yes, but he's working with one of those "Mac" people. Hmm... OSX is built on FreeBSD. You should be able to use GAIM. Might be a bear to set up though. Let me think on it. :nerd:
Thanks for the suggestions. We'll play around with yahoo and see if we can get that to go.

Oh, and Winky...thanks for absolutely nothing.
We've patched together a solution. Yahoo will do video fine, but won't seem to allow sound with his POS Mac. However, we both have cell phones with LD packages, so a cell phone combined with a webcam gets the job done.

Netmeeting apparently requires a plug-in to work with ichat, and he's unwilling to try it.