
Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
Background: I'm in the throws of sorting out and backing up my data and preparing to upgrade my primary PC's motherboard, cpu and videocard and do a clean reinstall of XP Pro.

So yesterday I transferred my 2k Pro OS, pretty much intact, from my primary desktop to my secondary desktop. I was surprised how easy it was...

I cloned the drive to an identical drive (because I want to keep the original as I intend to install the old motherboard, etc in my 2nd PC when I can afford to get some more memory), checked it was working ok, uninstalled the onboard sound and the videocard (different cards on 2) and tranferred everything to 2. I then performed a repair installation and reinstalled all the updates. :)

One or two programs decided they didn't want to work, principally AVG Free anti-virus as there was a licence violation, but a quick uninstall/reinstall solved that and the OS itself is happy as Larry... in fact, that's where I'm typing this from atm... so I'm feeling quite pleased with myself and thought I'd come here and show off. LOL :grinyes:

Obviously having 2 mobos with Via chipsets, both using the same drivers helped, but it was a very useful learfning experience for me. ;)

I do that often but with linux, I have tgz files containing a whole customized installation, then I just tar xfz them to another drive and voila, I have a cloned installation in a few minutes.