Welcome Altron v3


Well-Known Member
Leslie and Prof got me back here faster than I expected. No warm welcome back thread to greet me, but hey, that's why there's a "Post New Thread" button.

Seeing this cracked me up:
You last visited: 1/15/04 at 08:34am

I apologize for my actions in Februrary 2003. Looking up a few of my old posts, I was quite an immature asshole back then, and even though I bitched about it not being fair and the whole spyware thing being accidental, I did react like a complete dumbass to the events. I feel I owe anyone who I butted heads with an apology.

Squiggy and Q, I don't know if you're still active here. I didn't like either of you, and you didn't like me. I hope that we can leave those feelings in 2003 and start off with a clean slate.

Now to see about getting rid of this stupid "Snowblower BOY" title...
Alas, my post count has not increased nearly as quickly as everyone else's. Would you believe that at one point in time, if you sorted the members by post count high to low and put ten per page, I was on the third page? Now I would be surprised if I made the thirtieth page.

A.B.Normal said:
{cuban accent} Leslieeeeee.....,you got sum splainin to do{/cuban accent}
What a way to blow the 5,000th post, my friend.
leslie and prof, it was ok for me to post that, riiiiiight?
Damnit, don't mention the snowblower. I don't want to bring up the past. Do you?

Hmmm, another dawning realization - over half the forum probably has no idea who I am. I mean, it's November 2005, and the last time I posted was Februrary 2003. That's 2 years 9 months of new members.

So, can someone update me? Any old members who stopped posting or new members who I should be aware of? I vaguely recall Scanty and Ardsgaine leaving, whether temporarily or permanantly I know not. Prof has told me that LastLegionary and Laceymeister are MIA. Anyone else?
It weren't me, not really. I just sent the email. :) Prof brought it up, and you got a pretty resounding yes from a bunch of people.
Leslie said:
It weren't me, not really. I just sent the email. :) Prof brought it up, and you got a pretty resounding yes from a bunch of people.

Yeah,but Leslie works better with the Cuban accent. :winkkiss:
Kid even to those of us that joined after you left

you are a legend!

Your posts have been dredged up from the depths
and provided hours and hours of enjoyment.

Yes a true legend.
Winky said:
Kid even to those of us that joined after you left

you are a legend!

Your posts have been dredged up from the depths
and provided hours and hours of enjoyment.

Yes a true legend.

Please excuse the old fart ,he lives in Arizona and doesn't have a life .
:swing: <----absolved by smilie
By legend, does that mean more well known than whoreable? I always wanted to be better than him.
Winky said:
Daumn now this board IS worth reading!

Bru, your avatar is the freakiest fucking thing I have seen all day! (And I took a bus to work this morning....)

Anyhow - heard about you Altron, always along the line of 'that kid' - must admit I wondered what had happened, but never quite enough to actually bother searching the boards for any kind of clue (what do I look like - Nancy flippen Drew?) So yeah, welcome (back) - hope your stay is a better one than last time.
Altron said:
By legend, does that mean more well known than whoreable? I always wanted to be better than him.

Well, it's good to have dreams and aspirations. :rofl:

Welcome back, BTW.
Welcome back! Can't say I know all that much about you either, but I'm sure I'll get to know you. I've seen some of your past posts, and it was good reading.
Why? Just post gibberish in random threads and insult everyone, like I always do. Remember, don't take this too seriously.
Afterall it is just the internet ya know...
There may be real people behind these posts but how real can they be? heh heh

Why just look at me... (no wait scratch that).