Welcome Mr Green


molṑn labé
Staff member
Our future, under the stupid plans set forth by idiots.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) - With tens of thousands of people across New Mexico without natural gas service, Gov. Susana Martinez on Thursday declared a state of emergency, ordered government offices be shut down Friday and urged schools to "strongly consider" remaining closed for the day.

EL PASO, Texas -- Texas Gas Service is continuing to experience natural gas pressure challenges in certain neighborhoods due to low pressure in pipes associated with the weather events.

TUCSON - Southwest Gas is working to restore service to about 14,000 Southwest Gas customers out of luck Thursday due to the unseasonably cold weather.

Frozen natural gas wellheads in the Rocky Mountains and pipeline problems in Texas, combined with massive consumption of natural gas in the frigid Midwest and Southwest, created a shortage Thursday in San Diego County, a spokeswoman for the state power overseer said.

No new plants, no drilling...cheap energy will become a thing of the past unless we shut down the eco-terrorists & get away from mandated green.
you have any idea how much it would cost to work freak occurrences into capacity planning? maybe you think there should be a three or four sigma service level? how should we prepare for the aliens from outer space?
Oh gosh, sorry Professor.

well gee gonz, i'm sorry too. don't let me get in the way of you blaming the vast liberal conspiracy as a kneejerk, in this case because you have little knowledge of common business practices. though it's not unreasonable to expect you to have picked up some of that stuff by osmosis since material and capacity planning directly impacts what gets stuffed into trucks. oh well. what was that about all that life experience and wisdom you have that a little whippersnapper like me wouldn't have? i mean, golly, i learned them management formulas they use to figure that stuff in school, where the real world makes no entrance. well, i guess it must have been the experience working on planning systems as a consultant with a bunch of different companies that really clued me in. it's okay, you just don't have the same experience in the real world. keep on chimping!
i learned them management formulas they use to figure that stuff in school

You mean those formulas that have invented little & costs bunches? The same formulas that is practiced by those who gave us a fourteen trillion dollar debt? Maybe those formulas also gave us the Volt? They used those formulas to finance AIG?

So far, the only thing I've seen you know-it-all schoolboys fix is your pocketbook.
You mean those formulas that have invented little & costs bunches?

quite the opposite. they came out of the work in industrial automation of the 50s, which had the primary goal reducing the dependence on human labor. you know, those whiney blue collars types? even earlier those same kinds of ideas were having some serious impact. ever hear of a guy named henry ford? he really didn't like the workers either. he had his own special squad to deal with folks that became too vocal.

ever wonder why the UAW ended up buying into all the "lean" and "agile" shit over the last decade, other than to save a few jobs for the least impaired among them? because they figured out that those cutesy little formulas were kicking them square in the groin. now weren't you whining about just-in-time not too long ago?

So far, the only thing I've seen you know-it-all schoolboys fix is your pocketbook.

and we're to be criticized because we figured that out and you didn't? and what makes you think it's any different than "haulin' ass and gettin' paid?"

Mr Greenjeans is long dead

but what of the sputtering choad?

If the right-wing props a ganda is true
a new electrical power generating station
hasn't been built in California in the last twenty years

Now even a member of the great unwashed masses like me
can figure out that the need for electricity has increased in
that state in the past two decades.

Government intervention in the smarty pants capitalists business
only results in loss all the way around.

Best business practices benefit everyone.

Which is the opposite of government intervention.