Welcome perfectpixie02

Gato_Solo said:
Way to go, Prof. You scared away the newbie by bringing up the flyswatter incident of 1998. :lloyd:
Tutututut terrible Gato, terrible.....your age must be getting to you :p

Welcome pixie :):swing:
Raven said:
Tutututut terrible Gato, terrible.....your age must be getting to you :p
Hey, at least it gets me and my underwear off the hook. :lol:

Welcome pixie. Don't feed the animals.
Raven said:
Tutututut terrible Gato, terrible.....your age must be getting to you :p

Welcome pixie :):swing:

You know it was funny. Hell, I laughed, and I've no sense of humor at all... :D
well, prof has a valid question. if it's a perfect pixie why do they need a second model? welcomr though.

We're not all this strange you know.... okay... we are but its no reason not to stick around... even to just laugh and point! :p