Welfare Reform


molṑn labé
Staff member
The kind that works. :lol:

A provision in the German welfare system is forcing out-of-work women to chose between taking jobs in the sex industry or losing their unemployment benefits.

Once one of the most generous systems in Europe, Germany's unemployment program has been reformed to require those out of work to take jobs for which they are qualified, or lose benefits. In the case of women, females below the age of 55 who have been out of work for a year or more must take any available job offered.

The full legalization of prostitution two years ago – with brothel owners now paying taxes and employee health insurance – has created an awkward situation at German job centers where employers can access the official government database of those seeking work, reports the London Telegraph.

They require the guys to go get jobs as
homosexual prostitutes.
Gettin' plooked up the bum fer sure fer sure!
Take a job at Mickey D's or blow some fat guy for $25. I'd take what's behind door 3, Monty.
OK, the story gets more personal & has more information.

Under Germany's welfare reforms, any woman under 55 who has been out of work for more than a year can be forced to take an available job – including in the sex industry – or lose her unemployment benefit. Last month German unemployment rose for the 11th consecutive month to 4.5 million, taking the number out of work to its highest since reunification in 1990.

The government had considered making brothels an exception on moral grounds, but decided that it would be too difficult to distinguish them from bars. As a result, job centres must treat employers looking for a prostitute in the same way as those looking for a dental nurse

I really want to go back to Germany. I can't recall the bars being that good. ;)

Germany's unemployment program has been reformed to require those out of work to take jobs for which they are qualified, or lose benefits.

What a concept. In other words, we'll help you until something comes along that you CAN do. If you refuse that, you're on your own.

German engineering at its finest I tell ya. I'm for it.
We have (had?) WorkFare here in Ontario (Canada?). Essentially, if you said you couldn't find a job, they'd give you one, in a gov't dept or volunteer business, something within your talent set. If you didn't do it, you were off Welfare. It makes perfect sense to me.
No prof them Kinda fambily values are wrong headed
Neo-con-nazi. We should all look to the Govt. for our sustenance.

And the Govt. should take from the evil productive
capitalists to provide said sustenance!

It’s all right there in the Liberals communist manifesto!
Well, yes. And?

Really, it's a good thing. It's up to them - You get nothing, you get the substandard wage of the monthly cheque and have to work the job, or you can get your thumb out of your ass and get the same job or better for regular wages. Slowly forced into independence. Rather than just blanket handouts, like other countries. :p
Professur said:
In fact, it's damn close to what parents should be teaching their kids, no?

The thing is most of them learned the "Welfare is easier than working"from their parents.Its only once they work and find out that "what you buy with the money you worked for' means so much more that the cycle gets broke.
I figured something was wrong, because, as far back as 1987, Germany was a bastion for prostitution. One whole section of Frankfurt was set up for it...:shrug: BTDT in 1987. 'Walking the stairs' was almost a rite of passage for members of the Armed Forces stationed there...You didn't have to buy, but you had to do the walk...
What does history tell us about societies that
legalize prostitution and abortion and homo unions?
